Who do you hate most?

Who do you hate most? Tell us, you can ofcourse use my name, that would be very funny and original! I'm serious.

Just use mine.
An unknown terrorist bombing himself with the intention to kill as many humans as possible.
Majority of arabs.

Stupid immigrants. :<
How can he be a terrorist if hes unknown?.
... A known terrorist isn't good. If you know his face, you can point a gun at his ugly face and shoot it.
like duh!! so he would be an unidentifiable terrorist! rather than an unknown entity!
Paolo Bettini
i hate it when mates decide to 2 spend more time with girls than the lads....


i also hate being a heavy weight..
I said WHO do you hate the most, not WHAT.
Oh um. i hate ppl thatcall phan hackers.
Osama ben laden / Hitler. Probly the majority of CF will say me tho.
i <3 kAAZIIJ3W
you're a jew and you hate hitler, unexcpected
Alot more peoples hates hitler, keep owning yourself please.
I love hitler, he's the greatest person ever.
14 ( 1 December 1992 )
Very unexpected. But most probly you dont even know what he has done. Killing 6 millions innocent peoples is a big joke, hes a total hero.
remember, not only jews got killed :x

55 million ppl died in this war!
Yes, man. But 6 millions is huge number, that kid dont know what hes talking.
soo true!

but btw; 55 million ppl looks alot, still it was only 1.5 % of the world population that died :o
Sick peoples. ;((
Communism = 60 million ppl killed , Nazism = 10 million ppl killed... Nazi hating exists, Communism hating not
erm, hes as old as you, retard
A) Hes not.
B) Hes still a kid.
Months counts aswell if younger or older.
Not when you use your age as an argument against someone(like you did)
I didnt argue about the age at all, just saying hes still kid in hes mind.
care, you're still dumb
i really hate your sudden "Oh, hi my name is kaazz, i use proper english." attitude
So, if you hate it I should quit it? You got to understand peoples have freedom to do whatever they want.
you arent free my friend, there is a new hitler somewhere out there, sry
my post was sarcasm, ofc i don't love hitler. but i don't care about him either.
Haha. Keep owning yourself. Now you will tell me how arrogant I am, how disguisting and cant talk to anyone.
owning myself? uhum, you stupid twat
well when hitler was young, he was a mop, lived on the streets, one night he was nearly dieing cuz it was really cold. And a rich jew helped him to give him his cloack. IF that jew didnt helped him hitler had died -> no ww2! So its this jew fault causing the ww2.

btw true story but ofc not the reason why ww2 started ;-)
WW2 happend because the jews didnt have place to go. First the germans said leave the place. When they saw non "wanted" them they decided to do horrible things. That's kinda how WW2 started.
nah the cause of the ww2 starts alot earlier. actually when the Cobden-Chevalier pact was made in 1860 and when country's started to link their national coin to the golden standard. and alot more reasons i can tell ya, but to lazy to tell them all ;-)
Germany under the lead of Hitler was looking for economic recources and benefits in Poland ( mainly) , and the invaded it in 1939. They also took down Denmark and Norway in the same year if I'm not wrong ( for the same reasons ). The UK and France declared war to them shortly after this.

If a politic figure wants to be very strong he needs an opponent. With a common opponent you can unite the people, and you end up stronger yourself. Hitler therefor needed an enemy and he found one in the Jews, he used the Chronicles of ... ( don't remember ) to prove that the Jews were planning to take over the world, but this book is fake ( written by Russian officers a century earlier ). The Jews, just as the homosexuals and the gipsies weren't the real reasons.
He blamed the jews for loseing the WW1. ;)
yes exactly, but he didn't really care about "getting even", he wanted to create a world empire and he needed those resources to begin with.
He said the strongest will survive, the weakers will die, like the nature. Some sick crazy scientist made a research about it and killed tuns of jews with hes experiments.
well... not really
The reasons for the rise of the NSDAP (and consequently WW2) go back to the treaty of versailles and the collapse of the Weimarer Republic in Germany. Due to the world economic crisis Germany (was dependent on credits from the USA after WWI and the reparations) didnt receive credits any more, lots os people got jobless. consequently radical partys like the NSDAP got stronger and stronger by using propaganda. Furthermore the German (Weimarer) constitution contained quite some flaws, this led to ruling without the majority in the parlament and sooner or later to the downfall of the Weimarer Republic. Hitlers Striving for world power and new "space" in the East lead to his polish invasion and to the beginning of WWII. Of course these are way, way more reasons for the WWII. There has always been hate towards jews, not only in the 3rd reich and not only in Germany, it's no invention by the Nazis.
Hatred toward jews started when we "killed jesus". :P
ye for example. other reasons - going back to the Middle Ages - are jews being allowed to deal with money unlike christians. so they earned a lot of money by interest and they were blamed for usury. Furthermore they got a different lifestyle by eating no meat, wearing different clothes... and such "outsiders" are always a popular scapegoat.

btw new studies (src: Wolfang Benz - Dimension des Völkermordes) talk about a minium of 5.29 million jewish victims and a maximum of a little bit over 6 million.
Quote anZ1o on 09/10/07, 16:46:26 Del | Edit | Reply

nah the cause of the ww2 starts alot earlier. actually when the Cobden-Chevalier pact was made in 1860 and when country's started to link their national coin to the golden standard. and alot more reasons i can tell ya, but to lazy to tell them all ;-)

these are a few reasons that caused the ww1, and like you explained what happened after ww1 what caused the ww2. the whole starting of the 20th century was a mess imo.

btw true;
QuoteThere has always been hate towards jews, not only in the 3rd reich and not only in Germany, it's no invention by the Nazis.

jews already got murdered @ holy crusades and even in the roman empire 2000 years ago, in ww2 it now could be done on a huge scale...
"jews already got murdered @ holy crusades and even in the roman empire 2000 years ago, in ww2 it now could be done on a huge scale..."
yes that's right and it was in no way my intention to embellish anything done in the 3rd reich.
sad that something like this fairytale you just told us never happened
He said so himself in "Mein Kampf", whether it's invented or true I don't know.
you're not really trying to say the holocaust never happened, right?
i was talking about the fact that he never got helped by jews...he rather died than getting help from those...i didnt talk about the holocaust itself :)
hehe it's not that easy to find out any more what you were replying too with so many replys :D
Finland repje and...well....
gemran and polish
hitler, stoiber, Abramowitsch, osama ben laden, god...
maikel or squall
:D well you always flame me so you deserve flame
Lies, i never flame anyone :(
you did flame me or i am noone?:< makes me sad panda
Chosen for replying dumb shit 2 me lately and jews ofc
Jehoaviss witnesses or how ever you spell there scum name :[
I hate everyone not saying "Snorfiets"
Wakizashiuk (waki) ofc :DD
1 guy @ my class who plays all HALO series through 3 times a day, never showers, uses same clothes without changing / washing them for months, stinks fucking awful, doesn't have a chin and has some fuckign speaking retardness that he can't speak understandable because he has been only playing HALO and stinking so fucking bad whole his life that no-one has ever wanted to speak with him

He fuckign picked the seat on my right-forward (too close)

and today when I was going to grill with Finland crosby and Finland cross, he was there polluting the whole fucking grill so we had to go to eat pizza instead
Zomg I had a classmate, he had HUGE amount of hair, he didnt haircut himself for atleast 3 years! He smells so SHIT and looks like he dont even have parents...It's sad and desguisting.
image: bdot________image: bdot
I hate you.
george w. bush and angela merkel
the real jesus
he didnt even exist...this whole christ shit is just a fucking fairytale ;)
pay hate to the people who deserve it and love the ones you really love...thats the main sentence of necronomicon (satanic bible)

loving your enemies will only make you weak so that they can hurt you in a way you cant take it...but enough of that blabla now :DD
yeah my first comment was a joke but the guy didn't get it, so i made up some pronoun bullshit to carry the conversation on some more to see how far i could wind him up! xD
Oh sorry, I thought you were actually a retard...

Wait you actually are, sorry for the confusion.
i hafe to say i hates snorfiets the mostest
Now you're only proving to me you're a retard. I just made up some pronoun bullshit to carry the conversation on some more to see how far i could wind you up! xD
but your not winding me up! I'm the one who got a reaction out of you first did i not!! you got pissed of and couldn't say anything else so you just said omg your a retard blah blah, and the fact you didn't understand my first comment anyways, the joke for laming terms just for you, if he was a terrorist how would you know becoz he is unknown?? duhh if you reply to this comment too you are a gay retard!! lol!!
He got wrecked!
I like the way he copy-pasted what you said as a comeback, as he clearly couldn't make up anything on his own ;d fukin 3rd wrld countrierr
it was sarcastic
Huzzah, my journal is a succes.

Now shoot me.
The last thing we need is a hate (spreading) journal, gj.
so you hate hate journals! BUSTED!
I hate peoples who hates hate journals that comments about how they hate it!
Theodor and his gaytard smiley
oww...how could i forget him :b
random jews
diene marginale janet van studio brussel, peter van de veire...
well...i dont know what to reply! :D because your reply makes no sense :<

brb...going to get money so that i can order pizza!
Raymond van het Groenewoud, damn wa ne scheve mens
Alot of things :(
the French, en ook die kanker vrouwen
I hate everyone who hates and hypocrites!
so you hate yourself!
hate only cruel ppl who doesnt have any human felings.
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