spawntimer xD

(21:09:36) <@^overdrive> anyone uses ETpro spawntimer?
(21:09:40) <@^overdrive> i need script for cash!
(21:09:45) <@^overdrive> one where you can fill in spawntime
(21:09:51) <@^overdrive> not the one where you have to push button when they spawn

<noctilainen> ./opentimerinput

Quote by Frop(22:03:37) (dignitas\urtier)
(22:04:59) (dignitas\urtier) you need to put timer keypad and 30 into some folder called timer still
(22:05:00) (dignitas\urtier) wait
(22:05:40) (dignitas\urtier) actually I got all the files in some timer folder which is in etpro/etmain and in the etmain/etpro folders :D

tnx noctilain, urtier and frop
Check antman's info, hes great scripter.
rapster!!!! post it again plz :P
nah it was shit and only 1 file of thousands :p
dont share ur uber scripts :p
zafoga <333
bind kp_end "vstr configtoggle; play sound/menu/select"

bind kp_pgdn "vstr timerstartbind; play sound/menu/filter"

bind kp_downarrow "vstr timersaybind; play sound/menu/cancel"

// ------------------------------------------------------------

exec mapscripttimes.cfg

set timersaybind "vstr timersaystart"

set configtoggle "vstr config_1"

set config_1 "exec l4ftimes.cfg; timerset 0; set timersaybind vstr timersaystart; echo ^7Liga^14^7Fun ^36^oon^36 ^9v^71050 ^3Spawnzeiten geladen!; set configtoggle vstr config_2"

set config_2 "exec cbtimes.cfg; timerset 0; set timersaybind vstr timersaystart; echo ^4ClanBase ^a6v6 ^3Spawnzeiten geladen!; set configtoggle vstr config_3"

set config_3 "exec xfiretimes.cfg; timerset 0; set timersaybind vstr timersaystart; echo ^7Crossfire^1.^7nu^1&^9ESL ^7Fall ^16on6 ^3Spawnzeiten geladen!; set configtoggle vstr config_4"

set config_4 "exec eslfltimes.cfg; timerset 0; set timersaybind vstr timersaystart; echo ^9ESL ^7Spring ^g6on6 Freizeitliga ^72007 ^3Spawnzeiten geladen!; set configtoggle vstr config_5"

set config_5 "exec mapscripttimes.cfg; timerset 0; set timersaybind vstr timersaystart; echo ^7Standard Mapscript ^3Spawnzeiten geladen!; set configtoggle vstr config_1"
nah kp_downarrow will do the thing you want. but you need more cfg files!
can I has your config rapster?
can I add you in buddy list?
if im not mistaken your config based on mythos because of the spawntimer script am I right?
bind HOME "vstr TimerNow" //Spawntimer
bind PGUP "vstr TimerCmd"//Spawntimer
bind PGDN "resettimer"//Spawntimer
bind END "say_team ^7ENE^4MY ^7RESP^4AW^7NES IN ^05"
bind KP_4 "say_tEAM ^7ENE^4MY ^7SPAWNED"

seta TimerD "echo ^7DEFENCE SPAWN TIMER, TIMER SET TO ^c30; set TimerCmd vstr TimerO; set TimerNow timerset 30"
seta TimerO "echo ^7OFFENCE SPAWN TIMER, TIMER SET TO ^c20; set TimerCmd vstr TimerC; set TimerNow timerset 20"
seta TimerC "echo ^7COMPETITION SPAWN TIMER, TIMER SET TO ^c25; set TimerCmd vstr TimerM; set TimerNow timerset 25"
seta TimerM "echo ^7MISCELANIOUS SPAWN TIMER, MANUAL TIMER; set TimerCmd vstr TimerD; set TimerNow opentimerinput"
seta TimerCmd "vstr TimerD"

something like that?
no, thats the one you have to push a button when they spawn. I need the one where you can input the time.

look at the line before the last, push pgdn for 3 or 4 times and you can insert a random number for the timer.
I had what you want! but i dont have ET anymore :o
luckily ... cheater!?!
probably ;)

NAH xbox > PC
bind mouse5 "vstr timerSet-time; vstr enemy-spawned; play sound/menu/select.wav"
bind i "vstr timerSet-toggle"
set enemy-spawned "echo ^p-> ^7Enemy Spawned"

set timerSet-time "timerSet 20"
set timerSet-toggle "vstr timerSet30"
set timerSet-TimerInput "openTimerInput; set timerSet-time resetTimer; set timerSet-toggle vstr timerSetxx"
set timerSet20 "set timerSet-time timerSet 20; set timerSet-toggle vstr timerSet30; echo ^1>> ^9Timer Set: 20; play sound/menu/select.wav"
set timerSet30 "set timerSet-time timerSet 30; set timerSet-toggle vstr timerSet15; echo ^1>> ^9Timer Set: 30; play sound/menu/select.wav"
set timerSet15 "set timerSet-time timerSet 15; set timerSet-toggle vstr timerSetxx; echo ^1>> ^9Timer Set: 15; play sound/menu/select.wav"
set timerSetxx "set timerSet-time vstr timerSet-TimerInput; set timerSet-toggle vstr timerSet20; echo ^1>> ^9Timer Set: Input; play sound/menu/select.wav"
Great job at reading everybody.
I dont think its possible. I thought it was, but I must have been mistaken :P

set set_spawn "vstr spawn1"
set spawn1 "bind x timerset20; set set_spawn vstr spawn2; echo ^1 >> 20 <<"
set spawn2 "bind x timerset25; set set_spawn vstr spawn3; echo ^1 >> 25 <<"
set spawn3 "bind x timerset30; set set_spawn vstr spawn1; echo ^1 >> 30 <<"
bind y "vstr set_spawn"

he will have to live with this
huh do you still need a script or did you find one that works?

i gots one in harddrivers
i dunno if it actually exists :P

I myself use the teamchat spamscript, the one where you type in spawntime. (To bad i had to rewrite most of the script as the times were put in the wrong order xD 12/32/52)

I thought the opentimerinput shit would allow you to just type in 12 and the red timer would know enemy spawns at 52/32/12.
oic, etpro doesnt support any sort of dynamic scripting so the only way you could do that is with an external programz :<
use autoexec_mapname.cfg files and put the appropriate b_nmespawntime "" in it

then bind "key" "timerSet; wait 1;set b_nmespawntime ##"

i know its not what you want but this works really well to
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