Imagine peace tower

Yoko Ono had what she named "Imagine peace tower" built in iceland, and it was revealed today. Its the most beautiful thing ever :o. its combined of 6 huge lights which all come as one when lid up into the sky. It goes waaaaayyyy up and almost from everywhere in iceland you can see a clear white "tower" rising up into the sky, amazing sight. She had this built for John Lennon´s birthday which was today (technically yesterday cus tis past midnight) and he would have been 67 years old today. This is the most peaceful thing ever and is really nice to look at, and its in direct sight from my bedroom :D. Both Yoko Ono and Ringo Star were at the ceromony and will be here for some days.

just wanted to share this with you :D will get pics asap.
sounds good
go to sleep :O!
hmmm, cool
pics or it didn't happen
image: imaginepeacetower

People do weird things.
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