registry entries

Im in need of the RTCW registry entries so that i can patch my RTCW to the current version (smth like 1.41b). My RTCW isnt installed "properly" so when i try to patch it, it keeps telling me "Setup could not find a version of Wolfenstein Return to Castle on your system"

Or is there another way to patch it?

ps I DONT wanna fucking buy it ;D
well its not a problem of buying or not. i got US version of it and it doesnt work, too. same prob for me. alternative: stick with one and only ET!

btw 1st
it does work
not for this prob. no matter what patch it is. it says it does not FIND the game itself ;o)
well, i had the same problem for quite a long period of time, and one day i tried the 1.3 patch and it worked.

And there are some more people who had the same problem like me and it worked for them.
run the patch from within the rtcw folder?
doesnt work ;( keeps telling me that rtcw cant be found on my system, are there actually some registry entries for Rtcw?
maybe it is the wrong one, 1 moment

Many people had that problem and you need to patch it with a diffrent patch first
which one? :P
please give it to me give it to me :D
I just checked, it seems to be the right one...

First of all, from where do you try to patch?
And what version do you have? 1.0/1.1?
urm wait a sec ^^ i got 1.0
tryed to patch from 1.0 to 1.3
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Return to Castle Wolfenstein - Game of The Year Edition]
"DisplayName"="Return to Castle Wolfenstein - Game of The Year Edition"
"UninstallString"="C:\\PROGRA~1\\Return to Castle Wolfenstein - Game of The Year Edition\\Uninstall\\Unwise.exe /u C:\\PROGRA~1\\Return to Castle Wolfenstein - Game of The Year Edition\\Uninstall\\Install.log"
"Publisher"="Activision, Inc."
"Comments"="Return to Castle Wolfenstein - Game of The Year Edition"
"Contact"="[email protected]"
"Help Telephone"="(310) 255-2050"
"DisplayIcon"="C:\\Program Files\\Return to Castle Wolfenstein - Game of The Year Edition\\WolfMP.exe,-0"
you got it to work with this?
urm no i got another way ;D you do the registry entrys on your own :)
wait i have to test if they are fully working ;p
You may also need rtcw.ini in your windows folder.

Contents should be something like this:
noo it works fine i just took the Wolfenstein Enemy Terriotry files and renamed then so that they fit Rtcw so i could update them and only had to mix my old one with the new one because some files were missing :D
works now :)
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