BIO problem :(

Cannot connect to bio for some strange reason.

HLSW shows a stable 40 ping but when I try to connect it doesnt come further than "awaiting challenge 1" and then disconnects for "low pings only."

I never had any problems connecting to the server until now, maybe some settings changed on the server or something?

ok this is strange, now I cannot connect to any fucking server anymore and I have no fuckin idea why.
Its normal that I get that error message when connecting to servers.
Usally a /reconnect works, but I guess its not working for you since you made the journal:P

Edit: Who's first? ME!!
I tried it about 10 times ^^ Even tried resetting my router oO
Don't play shitty servers like BiO.
1000 other servers to play on.
lol just /reconnect (even few times)
i got the same, low pings only but when i join server i got like 40 ping
edit: after short consideration i approved avalanche's point as valid: you wouldn't make journal if /reconnect helped :D
u're banned !
but I didnt insult anyone this week :(
New ban system of pb ? :D
stom spamming crossfire you fucking nolifer belgium retard who I don't know
Never had 1 warning for spam ...

If you dont like it contact an admin instead of whining to me ...
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