since my windows firewall

is fucked up and doesnt wanna load , which is the best firewall out there? LINKS PLS.
i heard avg
It's antivirus. ;<
you are the lose-r
Using your brain is the best firewall ever!
dont try to act smart , its very easy to download spyware which disables your service settings and fucks up ur firewall . now go fuck urself
Ohnoes spyware scan once a week ...

Bibuy spyware and no lag cuz of firewall ingame
i have windows firewall + kaspersky 7 and no ingame lag because of that
Possible , but some older systems have trouble with it ...
no personal firewall is secure
all personal firewalls are a potential risk
rly :O? ps this isnt sarcasm its actually a question
There are some good guides by the ccc, but unfortunately they're all in German.

Some recommend PFWs, but a PFW alone is no good protection and as written above they might add a potential risk. Happened in the past (see blackice & witty worm). Currently there are no known problems, but due to the complexity of the nowadays PFWs this might very well be just a matter of time.
f.e.: there's a remote control program that can easily bypass a PFW and all it needs is an internet browser with access to the internet (wwwsh). SelfDoS and autoclicker are other keywords.

One problem is that these PFWs get more and more complex and thus overcharge their users (well, at least joe average). If the user is not able to set up the PFW properly and simply doesn't know what he's doing, the PFW won't be any help.

A better solution would be an external firewall.
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