geek test

Ok, so all those pro hackers, 1 problem to solve.

Win32:Vundo-gen49 -- this shit needs to be exterminated.

And hell yeah, ComboFix is worthless..
Spybot, adaware and all other spy/add ware tools are junk in this case as well..
euuhh... wasnt it something you had to do with vundofix or something?... do you keep getting popups from drivecleaner?... then you need to dl i think vundofix or something like that
k ill try, true, im getting those crappy pop-ups ;<
yeah had the same...:P was driving me crazy to.. had to search like 2 weeks when i finally had the solution.. it was like 2 mins work then the shit stopped comming xD
done, no shit.
Thanks mate.

[+] for ya.
np i know how fucking annoying it is :S im glad i could help:)
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