cod4 ??? how is it
12 Oct 2007, 07:21
how is the game?
and to those who play cod2 is the movement/engine different?
and to those who play cod2 is the movement/engine different?
35.2 %
(19 votes)
64.8 %
(35 votes)
but i cant imagine how the competitive game will look like :o
will buy this game...
*dl a random CoD2 movie to give better infos :p
Edit: Cod2 looks a bit faster
btw why dont you download the demo and test it on your own ?
not the movement, but the firefights
btw why you dont play etqw, imo that game have big potencial
i cant say if it was only cuz of valley
and i didnt like the aiming, its LAGGY
although i was owning like new_mystic etc i didnt like it so much
need pro mod tbh :)
and with proper pro mod it will ownz hard O_O
etqw > cod4