What a day...

Well, normaly I would pass my exam today at 12CET, but the whole railway company is striking, that's why I'm not able to get to school...
Do you think they'll accept this excuse? If not, I'll get 0% for this exam and that would be really shitty...
nope... becoz "DieBahn" announced this 2 days be4 in the german television ,
They will accept this excuse!
They will have to accept it if you have no other possibilities to get too school.
Well, my parent's are at work, so they can't bring me to school with a car. I could phone for a cab, but I would pay like 50-60euro's, because my school is in the next city...
then they'll have to accept your "excuse".

or maybe your school says that you could have send the cab bill to school and they would have paid it (but most schools don't have such policy).

So hf today ;)
Done that already, but they can't give me any statement, I have to wait for the headmistress' decision :'(
had no problems :)
ausgelacht :>
they will/must accept that.
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