ETQW problem.

I just baught ETQW ( shame yes :'( )

I installed it & stuffs and when I try to launch it, it says:

FATAL ERROR: Image '_default' was generated with internal format 0x83f0 but GL returned 0x83f2

I have a twintech 8500gt with modified drivers from

Help meh :'(

and this fuckface is too lazy to install rivatuner and uncheck a little box ..

Allways constructive comments in this community.
Filter not working?
Quote The reason for this is that if you've told your drivers to force DXT1 textures to be DXT3 (via a registry/inf tweak) you will get this error. You need to turn this off.

The reason for this functionality existing was because of a hardware issue with the original GeForce (which you obviously don't have) causing artifacts on hardware decompressed DXT1 textures.

By enabling this functionality on any newer cards you'll be causing DXT1 textures to use 4 times as much memory for no reason at all. This increased memory usage might even degrade performance.
The way I found to disable this setting without reinstalling drivers (which is a pain for laptops) is as follows:
* Download, install, and run RivaTuner
* In the "Driver Settings" section of the "Main" tab, click the triangle button next to "Customize..."
* Choose the OpenGL button from the pop-out bar
* On the "Rendering quality" tab, uncheck the "Compress to DXT3 instead of DXT1" box.
* Click the [OK] buttons until RivaTuner closes
* Restart your computer and enjoy ET:QW!

NOTE: It's necessary to restart, even though RivaTuner doesn't suggest so. I got really disappointed when I changed the settings and tried ET:QW with the same result, but decided to restart. After restarting, ET:QW now works great!

please Tosspot expand the filter, so every journal who got a "ETQW, Quake Wars, ET: Quake Wars" or anthing else in its title gets disabled for the annoyed ETQW haters like me, thanks.
well it could be an ETQW hater journal, so it'd be ok again.

you have to understand my point.

- TosspoT writes a whiny journal about all the ETQW whine
- His great (and only) solution is to enable the ETQW filters
- But hey surprise, the ETQW filters are more buggy than my mother

So let me whine about them as long as they are not fixed and get some new glasses.
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