Nintendo WII ?

hai guys,

I am not really into consoles anymore, though I am interested in buying a Nintendo WII with my lil brother. This might be a good choise as it isnt that expensive as a 360 or ps2.
Is it any good?
-GOod games?
-not mainly kiddy games as nintendo was before?

Any suggestions are welcome.

ty in advance
hate it cant play with that
It is mainly kiddy games, yes, but good ones.
WII is just a console to play with a group of friends to have fun. Not on your own.
"not mainly kiddy games as nintendo was before?"

Think about it.
64 and Cube always had more games for kids than ps2 and xbox, and lacked some nice games sometimes.
Games only for kids..
Stop trying to some wiseass smart boy. Maybe you didnt grow up with nintendo consoles.
Ok let's buy a nintendo, you will be a great person, i hope so !

rofl where do you live?
suck my balls im a paladin
u are/were playing ET ... when u were like 18 or smth so plz su
cuz i was a fucking idiot
N64 for kids? there was tones of non kids games released for it
no, not rly.
biggest concourence to ps3 and xbox360.
WII s advantage is that they have people of every age buying that console...

i like it and i m gonna buy one soon
FPS on the wii are fun (cod3 and metroid when it comes out in europe) :D
Zelda kinda sucks imo, although I'm a big fan of the N64 incarnations of the series
nitendo 64 >
i got one and there will be alot of nice games in the future.
and golfing @ wii owns
ive heard that there are mostly ''childish'' games but dont know, just something Ive heard;)
not too many games for it imo
lots of kiddy games
got it since release and got only 2 games and playing on it once a week if not less :<
waiting for super smash brothers brawl! though its also kiddy >:C
Fact is that the "childish" games are always a lot more fun. I prefer playing Super Smash Bros over Half Life 2 or some other known "mature" SP game.

If I would buy a Nintendo console I would buy it solely for the so called childish games such as Super Smash Bros and other games of the Mario Series
Get a 360, and get Assassins creed when its released. Halo 3 is nice too.
Or just wait and play it on PC -_-''
Patience is for the weak
wouldn't buy one...of course its fun but only when u've got some freinds at home
The nintendo Wii is something different and it works well! If u want overhyped up graphics for to much money get a ps3. Wii is currently outselling all the consoles cus it rocks! And its not all just kiddy games .
Well, it has gotten old for me, but at least it has Zelda, Mario Galaxy, Metroid, Super Paper Mario, SSBB and others coming out / already out.
All the good games are coming out soon =)
buy it and play with your friends > all
CoD3, Red Steel, Zelda, MoH: Vanguard - just a few from a bunch of no-kiddy games.

And yeah, the best fun is to play so called "party games" like Rayman Raving Rabbids and WarioWare together with friends on a big screen tv or as we do - using a projector sometimes.
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