Red Arrows & Olympics 2012

Hey Guys,

This might be old, I dunno.

The Red Arrows will not be allowed to perform at the London Olympics in 2012 because they are 'too British'.

I'm not usually into flag waving, patriotic bullshit but political correctness is really starting to take the piss.

Anyone else from the UK bothered by this as well can sign the petition here.

ello mate long time no see <3
yo! yea true
Hows you? And hows the ET scene?

Dead yet or what?
ET has been dead for a while already, but I still play it :p

and I'm fine and I suppose you're too : D?
Yeah I'm great, miss playing clanwars a little but then I think about mouse spread and realise RL is the way to go. :)
: < + : > = : |

ET + RL > all : D

Why not do both ? : D
I have to work, study and find time for masturbation and sleep. :<

I still play on t3h SNL a little bit after work sometimes though. :>
Waiting on the email.. ;(

I have no idea what this is about, but i'll sign it anyway for ya mate

nice to see ya! <3
signed it

gordon brown can fuck right off
That is too retarded..

Too British?

british = too retarded
What is red arrow ? :o
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