do NOT club! becuz:

i went clubbing with a friend last night in musselkanaal (some shitty village).
all seemed ok in the beginning but after a few hours i got hungry so we went to snackthingie outside of the club, ordered a broodje hamburger speciaal started eating, laughed at all the drunk ppl, saw some gayish fag bumb into some other dude; they started arguing and shit, and then it went from bad to worse.
the gayish fag said something like; i fucked ur girl over several time while she was screaming my name (trainslation). the other dude went mad give and started hitting the gayish persons head, the gayish stroke back, after that they both walked away at first, but then out of the blue gayish turned around and threw his beerbottle against the dudes head, blood everwhere (my mate even got a little bit of glass in his fries HAR HAR), the dude started shaking. after he really knew wtf happened he went crazy, the gayish started the running while being followed by the dude, but the gayish made a sharp turn, fell on his head (light concussion, and a hole in his head). after they both fell, some fat security person came and showed them whos boss.
the dude was being driving away in a ambulance, and the gayish in a police car while being threatend with death and broken bones by like 30 ppl.

no pics, but it DID happen!
btw, i hate hangovers:<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
too lazy to read
never go out of the house without a butterfly :D
2 much 2 read
clubbing in a club will not get you killed.
'clubbing' in a mcdonalds will get you killed, as you can see.
it was more like a mobile snackbar 20 metres away from the club. but ye macdonalds is lethal!
funny story :P
true story*
has nothing to do with clubbing nerd...
youre a moron if cant see that it DOES has something to do with clubbing.
it has something to do with being retarted actually.. u can club w/o getting killed..
smell the sarcasm..
too early :'(
great story .. just too bad you didn't have it on tape or something like that
some1 i kno got tied up to a pole and beaten the shit out by 5 bouncers from Illusion ( maybe some belgians kno it )
great story, 2long2read
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