nVidia geForce

ok every1 says geforce rox
but is there much difference between the 8600 & the 8800
cuz the the 8600 isnt that expensive as the 8800 :p
i need 2 chose wich graphic cart i put in my new pc :o
8800 is more powerfull.
the 8600 is a flop.....take the 8800 imo
8600 is a crippled piece of crap tbh, not worth even the low price
If it's half the price of the expensive card, it'll only perform 50% as good.

Expensive = Better when it comes to graphics cards.
any other options?
geforce 9800 (or 8900/8950, i dont know what they will call it, yet)
all those doesnt exist
they will release it in november. as newsrumours say.

just be calm :)
yeah i know, but he asked for something else now, not in the future
To expensive is 8800 buy 8600GTS imo..... better choose....
if u want more fps for et just get a better cpu coz the graphic card makes no difference
hmmm prolly 5000+ processor dual core amd etc.
but i want good graphic card to :>

but look my profile 4 my worse pc atm
It's shame to buy something just for 1 game. Realy waste of money.
got the Geforce 8600m GT @ my laptop works fine
its "OK" if ur gunna play at a low resolution. wait for the 9 series
8800 ULTRA Superclocked Watercooling Black Pearl www.ditech.at :D
The 8800GTS 640mb is the best performance for the money i think.

The 8600 series are cheap pieces of crap that perform horribly and are a way of promoting of DX10 graphics to people who have no clue what they are buying.

Basically, don't buy an 8600 card, save up more money and go for an 8800GTS 640mb.

ok ty

any ATI options? :p
I'd like to know too, because i can get 1000 fps at et, so it cant be that bad? :F
:D i think i go for the fx 1950 gt or smth
Can you explain why 8600 is crap? I have 200 fps with my GF 5300, I obviously will have double the fps, and it will be way more powerfull for other games. Isnt it? or It's just simpley sucks?
200fps in what game? Please don't say ET :P
Et =) But at other games like GW I get like 10 fps. :P
the 8800 gts 320 meg version is the cheaper / better option imo, theres suprisingly not a great deal of difference in peformance between the 640 meg and the 320 meg versions. if you can afford it, go for the 8800 gtx though, the performance on even the non-big named cards (bfg,asus etc)is far better.

the 2900xt hd card has had a lot of good reports and is a lot cheaper than the 8800 series, might be worth a look yer, but go for the 1 gig version, youll notice a huge difference from the 512 one. and remember you might need a few motherboard tweaks to use the ati correctly
ill ask for the tweaks then xP
Tell us which games should be played with this card and how much money you'd pay for it.
Depends what you are using it for?

Tell me what you playing at, and that might help

But ofc, Nvidia are better than ATI.
8800 gts runs etqw at max settings @ 1680*1050 with more than 20 fps for me
doom3 bench
image: 00483954

For others games only look images (no need to understand french)


so 8800 GTS 320 Mb FTW!
8800 ultra 768 x 2 \,,/
w8 2 weeks ---> 8800GT
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