Just wondering#2

If we would put some object that absorbs something flammable and did ALLOT of it together in space would we have another sun?

and since i have brainlags i suppose it needs air too ? so lets keep it on something that doesnt need air and doesn't swing back to the air due gravity OR SMTH AIGHT

like this

image: mr62pg
just no..
yea awesome idea

You'll never know unless you try! I'll be cheering for you!
I think dead hippo's absorb flames.
A sun is the nucleus center of a parent dustcloud, so instead of doing that you could try nuke a neutronstar, you would probably get a star(or sun like you would call it) times infinity. x-[
Maybe you should stop readin fairy tales, and be serious.
Todays science is tomorrows joke. Buy me a time machine.
i like the way you do loekino so i got a present for you:

hope you enjoy it
Oh noes Loekino is back o_X
Im off, goodnight crossfire nstuff
sexeh plz
Maybe its just me who needs to pay more attenction,
but I didnt see you post here in weeks :S
I w0nd3r how, I w0nd3r why... *lalalala* :>
you are alive?

no spam no Loekino :pp:DD
I just spent 45 minutes reading your profile instead of going to work, im most probably going to get fired now, your spam will have to live with it, bb.
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