Super Snorfiets!

Inspired by Super Loekino, and the Cyanide and Happiness drawing style, I proudly present:
image: supersnorfietsbigeg7
Super Snorfiets


Ps. SS here has nothing to do with the Third Reich SS.
i get remembered to other things at "ss"
Like I care people confuse it with the Third Reich SS, people also say ss as in screenshot. So.
Loekino talks to me on MSN and says he looks dirty, like a pedophile. Like "Hehe, do you want some candy?"
it is not gonna beat pedobear at all
Indeed, it was not meant to look pedo. I just drew it out, and Loekino gave his comment.
Art theft! D:
:P lalll i love him <3
hehe, SS :^D
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