uk isp's

I was looking to get a new isp this month, since my current one doesn't seem up to scratch anymore. I currently have virgin media cable broadband which is awful for me.
I was interested in getting BE ADSL+2 line, I just wanted to see if there was any other decent isp's in the London area that people could recommend or if any one has be adsl+2 would be nice to see your feedback. Thank You!
Stick with Virgin, suits you most.
your so original it hurts.
My brother had BE and he said he never had any trouble and even if it did go down or connection slowed down just email/ring them and its an instant fix un like shitty virgin :< (which am stuck on)
ye tel me bout it! blueyonder was fine 4 me, then over the last year since vm took over its just been really bad :s, thnx 4 da feed bk tho!
I was recently in London for 5 months, while I was there I had a BE ADSL+2 line. I can't really comment on the latency, I was busy working and only got to watch a few ettv matches, but the bandwidth was great. I downloaded heaps (mostly torrents) without any issues.

Their service was good as was the equipment they supplied.
Entanet or any of their resellers

(I'm with ADSL24 atm)
I'm on 20mb Virgin cable and it's the best internet i've ever used by far, had no problems.
how much do u pay for 20mb?
we get a 4mb for that price :/
£29 a month for 20mb cable.
Nice expensive payz! My parents pay about 70-80 euro for Phone, TV ( + 50 channels ) and 100 MB I net connection ( unlimited ) ;o
Apparently virgin depends a lot on where you are though, so it may be great where you live, but it gets a lot of complaints/the same responses in other areas around england.
my connection gets worse when it rains :X
...hastighet på upp till 100 Mbit per sekund.

Is it only in Sweden you can get 100 MB/s connection? ;o
Wish we had that in Norway too. :<
No, got it in The Netherlands to ;)
Got 20MB from Virgin. Never had any problems with it. I pay about £55 a month for BB, XL TV, V+ and XL Phone
yeah ive got the exact same package, think its got something to do with more people in my area have got cable now so a worse service for me =(
Most isps in the UK are shite anyway, they use old lines that can't cope with the amount of users on so it just clogs up.

It's all down to luck I suppose but I heard that the new O2 one is meant to be decent although I'm stil not sure as no doubt they'll use BT's old cables or something.

edit: lol I thought you wrote that today :O nvm :P
i was like i swear i didnt write that last night! ive had blueyonder for as long as i can remember it seemed fine back then, ever since they made new rules its just seem to of gone shit, and with the new thing there doing this year / next with the ilegal download thingy its gonna be even shiter, ive heard so many good things about O2/BE and i was gonna get them untill i found out i didnt have a bt phone line becoz ive got the virgin media package thing, was gonna get one installed but i think i wud then need to have a bt phone package, which i didnt need, worst thing is i live about 0.5miles away from the exchange so i wud get amazing speeds!
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