External Mouseprogramms

What do you use?

Iam currently using
- Mousefix of Raziel
- Accelfix for Windows
- USB-Rate from Raziel
- Setpoint
- Mousefix of Raziel
- Accelfix for Windows
- USB-Rate from Raziel

thats all i am using also wins sens 3 :\
razer drivers
patched win32k.sys file for no accel in vista
patched usbport.sys file for 500hz in vista


qith xp i used:

razer driver
the damned: 5/2/2
random usbrate switcher
mf_init is a Trojanhorse :XD
its not :< it a random tool for direct input :s
its infected my sounddriver etc :< had to clean it per kaspersky
hmm ? i downloaded it from razerblueprints... no trojan :p even McAfee says its clean :p
what is setpoint and what does it do?
its the logitech driver prog.
basically the same as the razer driver thingy
ahh okay thanQ! :D
I always thought the mousefix.reg from raziel's guide doesn't remove the acceleration completely and therefore anir wrote accelfix.exe? So what's the point in using both? Or am I wrong? Enlighten me please! Oh and btw, Raziel didn't create mousefix.reg...
nvm I was right. :P
Idd, but raziels mousefix changes other things also
anir says:
QuoteMy patch is no registry fix. It disables the capability of cursor acceleration inside the system driver responsible for that, so it won't matter what registry values you have.


If you uncheck "Enhance pointer precision", you won't have acceleration anymore. But in some circumstances [...] cursor acceleration gets reenabled when you don't want it to be.
This patcher renders the "Enhance pointer precision" checkbox completely useless as the registry values concerning the acceleration are, then.

So there's no reason to use both, because accelfix.exe fixes the source of the problem, while mousefix.reg just tries to fix the symptoms.
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