why school exists? :<

i mean i need to work 4 hours (of 45 min) @ my "pws" dont know whats in english, but its so boring im not doing anything but i need to go! i mean its just a waiste of time :<

good morning all
:-<, im off to work!
Without school you'd know shit, so be happy you can go
yaya but i mean days liek this, THATS A WASTE OF TIME :o
work 4 hours 'bout a project wich is sooo boring :<
thats the reallife man. Sometimes after work i got about 4 hours (or less!) freetime then i go to bed (6-7hours sleep) and back to work -.-

imo the whole system is shit!

I'll try to get pro in cs 1.6 or css. Than i will get 10 cent for each kill on a highskilled public server ;D
Probably: 5 kills/min = 50 cent*60 =30€/hour *16h = 480€/day

Take a book with you and learn something, be grateful
i hate learning! i cant
like yesterday i had a test. needed to learn 600 english words or smth
learned like 15 min and i got a 10!!! XD
you are doing it wrong
You wouldnt find work without school, unless you're lucky cunts like britny spears, but it only lasts few years as you can see, she;s now dump enough to understand her mistakes.
Pws is so stupid, you get almost 1.5 years to make it, yet it can be done in (the last) 2 days. :}
i get 6 months
but i agree with u :p but my subjext sux! xP
what is pws? explain plz.
some project
uhm its a huge project, u get 6 motnhs ore smth to make it
u need to take 2 subjects from ure profile like english & history
dont know whether u have to chose ure profile in other countrys etc.
but ure project needs to be 15-20 pages long and after uve finished it u need to keep a presentation
u should be happy to go to school.. there are a lot of pple/kids who arent able to go..
i mean those useless days u arent do anything but u need to go
Exactly, like many of the children in Africa! Think of them! Go to school so they can't!
i mean those useless days u arent do anything but u need to go
Then why don't you stay home then? :p
cuz when they catch me ill need to stay 4 hours longer...
School was a great time 8)

Thinking back makes me a bit nostalgic! Sitting stoned in class with the best m8s having 'fun' all day, what do u want more?
Quotewhy school exists?

Quotedont know whats in english

Think thats your answer.
well they dont teach me the name of my big project in english

how sad!
Random private catholic highschool X'P
my "pws" dont know whats in english

thats why school exists!
dude! be happy you go to school! you will always have time to play games and nobody's expecting you to grow up, go to university, get a job etc. a quote from van wilder - don't be a fool, stay in school!
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