omg squirrels...

today i drove to school and then suddenly a squirrel jumped on to the road,
i was like wtf...
the squirrel jumped left and right, didnt know where to stand and then when i was just like passing safely from him that stupid bitch jumped directly under my wheels :x

image: squirrel
nice pic
killer!! ='<
Rip sqzz. ;<
lal steel, first frag for you :(
ya i know, i feel so bad now :c
I saw that situation u killerboy, it wasnt an accident
EDIT: R.I.P sqzz :' <
you were lucky that you wasnt first driving today or else you would be da killer :l
maybe it was the same squirrel !

image: 88639304_53c7203996
Because you didn't want to stop or slow down you killed god, nice work!
lol @ the pic
bye sqzz :D

edit: i bet that squirrel jumped just like sqzz aswell!
It was just trying to capture the flag
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