bb dida - the laggy actor!

Milan have launched an appeal against UEFA's decision to ban goalkeeper Dida for two Champions League games.
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Diving Dida slapped with ban

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Diving Dida slapped with ban

The Brazilian was punished for breaching UEFA's "principles of loyalty, integrity and sportsmanship" for his theatrics after being hit by a Celtic fan in the Champions League encounter at Parkhead earlier this month.

If the suspension is upheld, Dida will miss the back-to-back Champions League games against Shakhtar Donetsk, the first of which will be held at the San Siro next Wednesday.

"We have just sent the appeal to UEFA for Dida," said Milan's vice-president Adriano Galliani.

"The important thing is that a definite decision is taken before next Wednesday's Champions League game.

"Dida hasn't done anything - in fact he was hit."
i sooo hope he gets banned
fucking unfair bastard
so he wasnt hit?
he was, so fucking what? is that a reason to do such a drama? do you think he wouldn't have done it if a player touched him?
organizators shouldnt allow him to be even touched

how do you see it? players fearing to shoot goals because if they do, they will be kicked by host team's supporters? excuse me...
man you are talking bullshit, such things maybe happen one in 100 matches or whatever and ofc it's not ok what the fan did but it's about sportsmanship and what dida did is totally unfair, eventhough it was just a fan...i think he would have done the same if a player just touched him on the back.....
man you are talking bullshit, such things maybe happen one in 100 matches or whatever and ofc it's not ok what dida did but it's about the safety of the players and what the fan did is totally unfair, eventhough it was just a fan...
what has the safety to do with the action of dida? will you ever understand it?
i understand it, i just dont agree with the conclusion you made out of that fact. will you ever understand it?
the fact is that he also will FAKE such an injury when a player just touches him and then he falls down and plays dead, the player gets a red crad and dida have you ever heard about fair play?
he wouldnt fall down if he wasnt touched. if the fan wasnt on the pitch he would just simply continue playing.
yes he was cheating because you gave him a chance to do it.
and btw, kicked by player is part of the game, kicked by fan - not rly. he gets paid for knowing how to behave during the game, the incident with fan isnt part of the game. so if the player acts in the game (c.ronaldo), he should be punished. i consider fan coming on the pitch as a completely different situation.
(everything in my vision of the world ofc :P)
lol moron, the fact is that he FAKED an injury and that is not allowed.

the suspension is correct
he was touched by a fan, i think he has got a law to simulate that he is dying

in your opinion

edit: moron

only the way he did it is just plain stupid. he should get penalty for unintelligence =)
wtf are you talking about

fifa and uefa in the last couple of years have made it quite clear that you CANT fake or SIMULATE an injury
why do you thnk i am talking about uefa / fifa rules? LoL
im talking about my opinion. ofc, the decision is already made and we cant rly argue with it what more i dont rly care if he gets banned or not. but i am talking about how i would do this if i were fifa/uefa rules maker. you are lucky because your opinion is the same as the rules actually are =)
fans touching dida is wrong, dida falling over is also wrong

they are both wrong

its much harder to make fans behave, and imo, football players make soo much money, they should know better
but the fan was first. dida wouldnt just fall down if there were no fan touching him.
he was stupid though, because he didnt fall down immediately.

fans are hard to keep <- thats not rly an argument. they have to be prevented. build a wall if you like. we dont care how you do it, just prevent them from coming on the pitch.
yeah, he should get a ban for this Chapions league and have the same sad downfall like the other brazilian Rivaldo
what did rivaldo do again?
rivaldo fell on the ground @ corner flag and grabbed his head after being hit by a ball on his legg.

can't remember who kicked the ball
rivaldo got the ball kicked off his knee after the whistle was blown for a foul...and he went down theatrically pretending it smashed his face.
In worldcup 2002 acted that he got a hit to the face with the ball, actually hitted his knee . And the turkish player got a red card.

EDIT : youtube
red card for that kinda shit omfg.
And the turkish player got a red card.

unexpected :Dddd
so he wasnt hit?
he was hit but only a scrach and he started running after him, but he couldnt get him and he fell on the ground like he got a braindamaging blow !

EDIT : youtube
yeah that looked hillarious :D he is just plain stupid, fall on the ground immediately or do not do it, fool! =)
He shouldn't be banned.

Football is theater. (these days)
this news is 2 weeks old
I think everyone is too unfair on Dida, sure he acted silly but think about it, if he didn\'t go down like that, nothing would have been made about the fan running onto the pitch, so the situation would have been ignored, which sends out the wrong message from whats right and what\'s wrong. Hooligans will start thinking it\'s ok to run onto pitches, etc. If dida deserves a ban, then so do the likes of Drogba, Rivaldo, Ronaldo, etc etc
thats a shame a fan had a chance to touch the player. most people dont understand that such guys can actually even KILL the player with a knife or anything you can imagine and what can be hidden in the pants.

there is no room for such danger in any sport. what does it mean? player must be watching around all the time to see if there is some mad fan that is going to hurt the player, instead of focusing on the game? a forwarder must think twice before he shots stronger in the direction of enemy goal, because the ball might actually get inside and then stupid fans will come and kick him for that? maybe casillas should start praying to god for his opponents shooting more accurately and not in posts?

what i mean may be a little controversial, but if someone touches you, you have the right to fall down and simulate that you are dying. over! where do we live? in caves or civilised world? where is that warm feeling of safety and security? a player has got no law to touch his opponent, not saying about supporters...

but in this case, dida rly made it stupid =) imo ban for him and some penalties for celtic too
Safety and security? You can be stabbed while going for a walk in the evening these days.
but you shouldnt be stabbed while playing football match.
You can be stabbed in almost every moment of your life (extremely unlikely tho). So why make an exception out of a football match?
Quote by meshouldnt
which means organizators should give him safety while he is doing his job. i know he is a mortal being and he can be killed but i say he should be killed during his job. its organizators task to make him safe on the stadium

he's alot better than dida or rivaldo :DDD
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