funeral of marszal

Today was a funeral of Poland Marek "mArszal" Kowalczyk
so guys the last time:

['] mArszal - hope u have gone to the better world... [']
cya soon!

btw who is it?
"supersize meh 2: hamburger death" ?
stfu maliczk tard
['] god let him to your house. Rest in peace ...
what's wrong with him ?
didnt know him, but [`]
R.I.P mArszal [']['][']
It was honor to play with you

[*][*][*] BiBuy
['] ~ is that a candle or woot?

Quote by doNkaa dead polish is an excellent polish
makes your shoes clean
played a couple of nice wars versus you

rest in peace..
dont get it ? a et player died ? or is he an famous polish actor ? who was he ?

['] rip
is this serious shit?
and what is this [']['][']['][']['][']['][']['][']['][']['][']['][']['][']['][']['][']['][']['][']['][']['][']['][']['][']['] about ?
Sorry. Thats a little hart to understand it was true. Such a young guy.
R.I.P mate.
mArszal pamietamy [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*]
[*] R.I.P [*]
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