
there was a news item about cheaters made by tosspot 1/2 years ago or something, where he said that he busted d0zer if im correct, where is the actual proof he found about him?

if im wrong my bad:D but i doubt it
He busted someone with Dozer's guid in rtcw.

he only said in one line it was him, are you sure it wasnt the real d0zer?
d0zer is lanproven
dont start making stupid comments like that
if you read the article it was an example used to prove a point. Not a presentation of evidence about a hacker.
so you still have his pb guid and pb ban link?
The cheat busting world of rtcw was very different to et, things like a pb ban link didnt exist. I'll still have the files somewhere on an old backup but they're of little relevance to anyone.
are you mad croc?
didn't d0zer said himself that he was wallhacking all the time?
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