CSPromode ?!

what the hell, i just woke up and saw some msg relative to the official partners of csp going down and many news talking about a official release of the very first public beta at 18CET.

So am i already too late and all the servers will stay down untill the americains release some bandwich for us, european dumbass ? (hi cod4)

anyways if you have more information or a working download link, feel you free to enjoy my day !
fixing the links atm
QuoteWe ask that you please do not host your own mirrors. Through our North American hosting and server partner, Divo.net, we've secured enough bandwidth to handle all global download requests. Again, do not host your own mirrors. External mirrors will be tracked and taken offline.

Whoever wrote this is a fucking peon.

Torrent link anyone?
that's exactly what i was going to write to swine and it's indeed, so fucking retarded (but very expected from the csp's staff)

just worked for me... downloading at 50kb/s :\
weee it works! 10x
looks pretty small for a mod we're waiting since years :XD anyways i'm gonna dl it fast (thx to the premium acc :P)
taken offline? ddos or what?
it means you will be sent a very angry letter threatening to sue you unless you take it down
im sure thats hax ;x dont download
what is that?
A mod which 'should' mix up the feeling and the gameplay of cs1.6 and the source engine and surely but im not sure, some of its very features.

A few weeks ago they gave to the community only TWO keys for the beta version and now they refuse to let the community host their first public beta.

Evrything happened some weeks after steam deleted their community's group on the steam's plateforme, back then CSP called and gathered many, many, MANY peeps to get back a group of 10.000+ members of whatever.
From a .txt included in the official beta:
QuoteYes, CSPromod is here... finally. No, this is not a hoax.
It's what the Counter-Strike community has needed for years
now: a fully customizable, tweakable version of CS 1.5/1.6
gameplay on the Source engine with additional features
implemented strictly for competition. While we've done a
reasonably good job of getting the gameplay fine-tuned
(specific details can be found in SECTION 5), this is a
project that will require your input at numerous junctures.
Please participate in the CSPromod community by frequently
visiting our website, suggesting changes, and reporting bugs.
Do u need Source?
first impression after some small tweaks on a local server on train:

Even at the highest details (had evrything enabled at a driver level back then) the game was very stable at 95/100 FPS
I can finally see my crosshair at a small size & high brightness
The game looks somehow better comparate to the default cs:s maps
I don't like the brown background of the imgame option boxes (but it's possible to disable it)

My next hopes (if i can manage to join a decent server with a small amount of players):

A game with the same 'speedness' as CSS (less camp, more duel)
Improved hitboxes (but not the same as 1.6)
Less powerfull flash nades than CSS

& much more.
i luve it just it's just great but 1.3 > all
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