Old clanALIS websites

I was just going through some junk and I found two old clanALIS websites; both of them uses flash and are pretty nice.

So if anyone are into some old websites and old ET-lineups check them out :)

http://www.clanalis.dk/ClanALISHP2003/ <-- oldest

http://www.clanalis.dk/cA_filer/ <-- a bit newer

There was a guy contacting me some time ago, about the music on the "a bit newer" website. It has two music loops that are quite nice :)
that airplane in 2nd version doesnt make much sense, doesnt it?
Flash is cool, but i personally dont like it for websites, cause you are forced to wait till the text shows up.
It's an old CS map that is not played much anymore.
oh, sry my bad then.
lol nice pic of you on the oldest site :D
Yeah, 6 years ago :D
u werent bald/bold/whatever there :XD
I really can't remember the name of the map; it was played a lot on public servers back in 2002. It was a de_ map, you could either plant at the plane or the truck.
Exactly! I loved that map :)
Based on what I've seen, those sites are just the tip of the iceberg...
Stop being sarcastic :D
Newest is fine
nicely made
verynice websites, gj. :)
amazing pages, nice work
So you were an ALIS fanboi! :P
Both sites are nothing compared to the old StaZi website :)

found the old StaZi website!
yeah, really loved that site. the banner alone with it's atmosphere is just awesome
Best ET website in history :)
Rofl, pretty neat. The axis walking on the porch, muttering to himself - ha. :)

Someone has had way too much free time on their hands.
wanna join stazi XD
woah yeah, that site was really nice, i love the dude walking out of the door there, looks like some monkey island game or something :)

also, i liked the first alis site more than the second, nice flash graphics
I remember stumbling apon that site beofre, very nice.
That was a mistake...

As I said back then, I always was a governmental leader, so I asked the other members about it; they said no.
rly impressed me.. najs one =)
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