FOV calculator

hi people i need a litle help!
atm im using a wide sreen monitor and my fov 90@1440x900 its a litle bit strange compared to the old fov 90@1280x1024
so anyone can help with some information about this coz i dont know if this is normal
90 is for noobs :<

It´s default, same with playing with "wasd" also noob, arrows is more cool, cos you decided NOT to play default :p
played with arrow keys about a year, but finally decided to switch to the wasd keys cause there are just more keys nearby that are needed in ET. Also on the arrow keys you got a longer way to the buttons nearby, means you have to move your hand more, and thats already too much for a lazy ass like me :y
what does it matter if you have something to aim for you?
my movement got better with it :<
where you busted as ibz or did u just say who you were?
I just said it, playing 3 years without beeing busted now
So no ones every thought you were cheatin under the nicks you used?
was accused some random times after lucky situations and stuff like that, just as everybody else these days, but I never had my own bust thread or whine thread if thats what u mean.
yea thats what I meant. Its funny how little of the cheaters actually do what you did with yawn. anyway gL.
thanks :)

but what you mean with me doing something to yawn?
taking some randoms guid with a long history on yawn ie 2005
yea for some reason that method is still the best one :D
Mr.Honest! x-]
bind MOUSE5 "vstr fovswitch"

set fovswitch "vstr fov90"

set fov90 "cg_fov 90; set fovswitch "vstr fov105""

set fov105 "cg_fov 105; set fovswitch "vstr fov90""
The vertical FOV is lower (and cannot be changed independently) in widescreen resolutions, but the horizontal FOV is exactly the same. All that happens when changing from 5:4 to 16:10 is that the top and bottom parts are cut off (+ some HUD adjustment).

If the monitor size changed then that's what you should use in your FOV calculation, not the resolution.
ty mate now i understand
u could TRY to fix that by adjusting m_pitch
ty but how?i use m_pitch 0.022
lower it till ur sense feels familiar... if u r lucky it might work... gl :)
another thing i intall my et with etpack 1.5 and already hv a fov calculator inside and set the fov 110 at fov 119.32.... i made a simple calcul like (90*119,32)/110 = 97,757 to get my new fov and looks very similiar to the old so now cant decide what to use or the 97 or 101 or simple the 90 default :X
tnx guys for your support
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