Hey Guys ...

i got WLAN since last week and ever when i play ET
i got 999 Lags each minute 1 time for 3 seconds ...

someone knows what that can be ?
ofc ... nutte :)
i got lags in the evening :<
-Rightclick My Computer -> Manage
-Services and Applications -> Services

Now you should see a huge list of services. Find something like

"zero function wireless connection" or "zero connection wireless" or something like that... dunno how the english name for it exactly is.

the descriptive text right to it contains something with 802.11

-> doubleclick (aka open , LOL!) -> disable and set it to manual.

reboot and np.

think def posted this before so credit to him
this is correct, only it doesn't work for all WLAN connection (didn't work with my old one :P)
cant find ...
2lowskilled sry4u
das bitte auf deutsch ... das gibts an sich so bei mir nicht
i sprechen nein yerman!!
lol, he wants that u explain it in yerman :C
yeah i guessed sorry cant help him in german j0
or he isn't able to find the right reply button, dunno :s
"zero function wireless connection" or "zero connection wireless" or something like that... dunno how the english name for it exactly is.

cant find
i know: it's WLAN :)
WLAN sux for gaming u cant change it.
"someone knows what that can be ?"

wlan, it sux :(
comment stealer :|
make a .bat with SC.EXE STOP WZCSVC
had same when i had wlan
switch to cable and its ok :p
haben von T-Online WLAN geschenkt bekommen, habs aber gleich in den Keller gebracht...WLAN sux einfach =(
just put a cable from your pc to the wlan router. did the same^^
wlan is ok for my sister, but i need the cable for my et skillZ^^
wireless zero configuration and this very much depends if you are using the windows software of the software that came with the wireless card, it is possible to solve the problem though, the issue comes from the card looking for new wireless network packets every minute, you can change this setting to be less aggressive in searching for alternate wireless networks
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