how naughty :$:$

image: xenos(1)

Congratulations with your job loekino \o/
- i dont really earn much €2,99p/h
+ im almost 17 so i will get +€0,40 so that makes it €3,40p/h
+ im the only guy, dont know if this will be bad or good
+ i get some nice red Xenos shirt!!!
+ my boss is really c00l
+ i get 35% discount on every item and on other stores from the xenos "series" like bart smit, leen bakker, blokker i get 10%

i feel like some lifer tbh i think i will quit

edit: ITS "VAKKENVULLEN" but i cant find the word for it in engrish, if you expected that i would do some high++ job then wtf, you never earn much as vakkenvuller at my age :S
image: 1947527921_1999998326_vakkenvullerAH337ANP
:( Ask more money!
so wtf you do ?
Loekino gaat het bedrijfsleven onveilig maken!
go to school.
Rofl, earn less? Is that even the minimum they can pay you?
ROFL whats the point in working for that much money!
Hoeveel uur werk je?
Dit is wel weinig gast.;o
in a strip-tease show u can earn more .....try it :P
I assume you've got slight a bit experience? :P
18,40 euros / h + extra stuff
3.50 :D Chinese company that's new in Western-Europe? :D
What is Xenos?
That's below minimum wage over here and you wouldn't find anywhere that would employ you with those wages.

I was getting £5 (7.16 euro) when I was 16, £6 when I was 17 and £9-£18 when I was 18 ;)
brb moving to england
Minimum wage is E8.65/hour here. :XD
ik kende nog iemand die zakte voor vakkenvullen werd ie onstslagen LOLOL :D
Isn't that wage illegal? What's the minimum wage in NL / LLI?
Damn beggars eh :D
==D kut voor de community jij meer reallife ETis DEAD:D:D:
Nearly nothing.. Ga naar de Albert Heijn, daar verdien je ongeveer het dubbele gek.
ja hoe dom je ken zijn :D ik mocht die gozer tog niet
When I was 16, 25, when 17 30, 18 between 40 and 60
I think you should demand a raise already!

i have like 2 euros and its rly hard work! (calling to people and asking them for some stuff)
even the guys at burger king wanted to pay me more O.o
When I was 16 I was promoting events (handing out flyer's/posters) I was running and just doing nothing on the computer, also setting up small LAN's on a Tuesday. easy stuff.

17 I did almost the same, handing out stuff, putting on bigger events, was a voluntary youth leader, running small LAN's playing ET, and also running computer courses for beginners. easy stuff

18/19 I was in a car factory making brake calipers for automobiles (cars, tractors, lorries, rally cars) and other factory/slave work. only reason I stuck it was because I got £12,000 in 8 months. not so easy stuff.

</life story>
Maar vakkenvullen is niks op het begin heb je allemaal newbies maar die krijgen later een groot mondje en dan doen ze niks meer vandaar tis echt kut werk btw maar ga nu schoonmaken 4.50 euro peruur :)
ben je net zon faggot als boom die werkt ook bij de xenos :')
€5 with cleaning, and im 15 :O) 8 hours a day, 4 days a week
Vakkenvullen is ook zowat he hej en wat doe jij voor baantje precies Ja ik vakkenvul in de super Oh oke !

Beter bij een schoonmaak bedrijf ofzo :D is ook kut maar heb je nog smoes dat je voor 5 euro kan werken ofzo:)))
Modern Slavery hF
fuckin lifer
i get 1500 euros a second
image: 2z6i5w4

Hey, Bigspender! [edit] notice the crossfire! [/edit]
I suggest buying a normal desk.
tell that to my parrents :<
omg rijkaard =[[
move out of the 3rd world and into 1st class world aka iceland tbh, you wouldnt earn less then 10 euros an hour =#
2.99 :D:D:D
haah im 18 and earn 10 euro's a hour :D (netto)
Bruto: 13 or so
Maar bij jou ligt het anders beter in NL wonen wil je ook wel !
hmm.. niet zo zeker meer van ;D Noorwegen is best chill ^^'
i meant instead of working :)
7€-9,50€ p/h for me @ simple gas station .. with 17 (p/h = per hour?)
loekino wordt tog gewoon bouwvakker verdien je 10 euro per uur en mag je gratis bier drinke
The minimum in Holland is even lower, it's like 2,70 a hour.
9 for being parkeerwachter in the summer.
i dont know
lol what a suck ass job, you should work as a courier ( pizza delivering etc. ), its the best job you can have at your age. +- the same earnings as the xsenos but thats without tips.. tips are pretty high sometimes i get 5 euro for 1 deleviry but most times i have +- 15 / 20 ,- tips in an evening so i earn 9,- / hour.
i get 4 euro p/h and i also do vakkenvuller

maar ja beter dan niks :D
cheater because i get more money? :ppp plz
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