drinking =/

well last night i went to a party and i got smashed ^^ but now i feel like shit =/

what happens when you get drunk ?
then you are liek : wtf im cool I want sex
then you are liek : wtfok is all that shine and that bad smell
then you realize the sense of life
go drink more, then some more, then youll feel better. any other problems i can help with?
then you are the best rifle on earth

your brains will dry out and then your head hurts?
Feel Like shit, Headache

Hangover =>

I getting drunktards tonight ;)
Aren't you a bit too young for that? :D I'm getting totally flabbergasted tonight too btw :P
well, due to his age he'll get drunk and feel cool after 2 beers :P
Actually its like 5/6 to get tipsy. =< sux 2 much, costs me more.
No actually :)

i drink a bit.. its normal for me now.. iguess.
i drank 2 beers, i feel fine
I smoked 2 jonkos and i feel nothing now:)
Ehm whats wrong with that?
hmm someone hasnt lived =/

If you drink alcohol and say you have life you're retarded. FDJ is right.
especially by yourself :O)
drink some more, 14 year old boy :x
when u will get 30 u will notice what it did to you
"just because you breath, doesen't mean you live" - or something similar :) can't remember now

of course nobody is getting drunk just to get drunk ... but don't tell me that you/your friends spend every weekend sober.. or do you? :)
hehe :$$$ no, actually got a few beers last night :X
I always get phonecalls from ugly girls then, and they tell me i was so sweet to them the other night, very dirty stuff
I remember very well what happened and I dont feel like shit, but usually in bars its so damm boring :(
when im really drunk my world is spinning around and i want to throw up :X
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