Is et:dead?!

since 16.8.07 i havent played et anymore but perhps ill start again, but befor i want to ask, is et dead?
et was never alive
yes its dead we dont need you so go play qw or something
ET isn't dead, just new faces :)
i think you got your answer :(
yes its dead we dont need you so go play qw or something
Best days of ET are behind :E
ET use to have more players YES

but with CPC1 CPC2 CDC Qcon and SHG-open ET is is the last / 1.5 year more alive then ever
yes its dead we dont need you so go play qw or something
>kTs* war beste clan ^^ [ger]
Aha and you quited because ?

Let me guess , you had no skill and were getting pwned by even the biggest noobs ...
hi nickje :D
hi i think :o)
Nah, clans are quitting, moving on to COD4!:>
yes , because i cheated and dont get banned
ET isn´t dead ! ! !
ET is hybernating wait until spring
Et isnet dead lol
Like 4 3on3 cups today!
like you finally get available to play with me omg
iam in holidays ffs (well its not rly a holiday cuz iam sitting infront of a crappy 700Mhz pc all the time trying to finish some PAININTHEASS-Extended essay with the requirements: 4000 words min + scientific research aspect)
Sign us up for some 3on3.cup tomorrow, cuz i will be back home then. and we can pwn!
Cu tomorrow :DDDD
i lost the remains of my uberlow skill recently, trying to get it back now so i dont think ill pwn in a cup but we can play :D btw you're the wararranger if you didnt know yet (ofc not since you're nonstop off on irc) so you can sign us up x)
Tell Anonymous loekino to do it then, since i will be back like tomorrow for lunch or sth.
this is some kind of an attention whore journal..
ET is sooooooo screwed so don't even think of coming back.
This applies only for you ofc!
ET wont die :)
As long EC and NC is going it isnt dead
not dead
second that - like rtcw there will be always stupid guys like us who will play it - maybe in the end only 4 teams but still not dead
man du sollst dead sagen du nase damit er nicht wieder anfaengt zu spieln ;>
did u ever see a stone dying? ... if yes tell me plz!

ET was never alive ... ET= "randgruppen shooter"
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