Help my band on MTV!!

Plzz ET gamers .. help my band VINDRA in MTV:s competition : click enter | vote and vote beside VINDRA " in my head" just click on vote again and confirm your vote plz ... you can do it once a day..

Warning ! connection might be a bit slow..

hope that you will help a fellow rtcw | ET player!!

Feel free to check out our myspace page 4 more songs:

sincere .. //.gob@r
no kk music

*EDIT* 1st btw
I voted for you can I have a cookie?
I replied to you can I have a cookie?
ofc! make a portal in your room then i do the same and send you a cookie
oki, i will do it. :}
huh wtf it isnt working I geuss we both did blue! can you make a red/orange one becuz I only got the blue portal shooter :<
i got both. so np4me. btw a CAKE would be nice as well. :D
the cake is a lie
the cake is a lie
the cake is a lie
the cake is a lie

but your cookie is coming watch your portal!
oki, I got it and ate it! it was so yummy. xD thx ^^
ok u got my vote :)
done, gL
voted :)
i dont want more shit music on mtv
done, gl
np all!

I rly enjoyed my years in the rtcw / et scene it´s full of super nice ppl!

to few lans thou, I hope the community can go on , maybe into ETQW, even if the game suxx ..

If u support us in the finals , we might come and play 4 free on some LAN in the future.. :p

remember u can vote 1 time every day if u like ..

And Xzz at least we can play on our instruments , many artists on MTV only pretend to actually sing, and they never played an instrument in theire life .. :)'

More beer plzz!

rock n roll!
if you can sing good you will get some randoms with instruments who will play for you..
Voted, good luck gobar. :)
done, but 'reunification' was better :P
agree wipeout!! :p
Ur most welcome to spread the word about this competition, im out of job atm and want an income in a near future .. :)


support VINDRA!!

music | ET is my life!! :p
if u think connection is bad and its not floating, ur most welcome to our myspace page to hear the song ..

but dont forget to vote first .. :p

np all!
voted! gl!
done, switched from 10% to 11% but I dought you'll win :<
voted, gl
voted and actually liked it, though liked memories more

edit: what's your part in the band ?
ye tites . the leaders lie a bit ahead of us .. but "never" underestimate the power of the ET Scene ! :p

support VINDRA !

laggy site thou!! but goto myspace after voting : much better conn .

union is nice :S
voted, gob@r who are you from teh band? which instrument do you play :}?
I play supporting guitar with the heavy riffs .. :)

feel free to spread the word , wee need help !! .. and np all!

Vocalist is Cliff Ljung, been on popstars (top 20) and Idol .. :)

Who's your vocalist? =)
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