How do you do it?

I am very curious how you english people can take so much failure every time around, do you not just lose hope after a while? Do you not get tired everytime a sports competition comes around and your country fails to exceed expectations?? Football, Cricket, Rugby, Tim Henman, Amir Khan (in future), Andy Murray (in future), etc always upsetting the country :8(

I am really curious!


English people cannot accept that they underachieve :(
We're waiting englishs' comments !
Well .. duh!
ebai is sweet
I would really like a statement from somebody as to how they feel about this, rather than "omg we are better than your country!"
Just shows that you fail to accept that your country is an embarrassment :(
Yeah, you English suck :D

If you have no belief in the people representing your country, then what else is there to do?

English people are passionate about sport, we get behind out teams and they do their best to perform at the highest possible level they can. Which imo is far better than no trying at all.
So you don't mind that your country always disappoints the nation? Because they are trying their best!?

Are they really playing at their highest level? If you think that your football team is playing the best they can, then you need a reality check!
Our country always dissapoints? we just got to the final and lost defending the title to the best team in the world.
Yet Finland have no athletes at all.
Would rather they try their best rather than taking a leaf out of Finland's book and not try at all. To be honest i get the impression from you that if there was another war in Europe, the Finish population would go and hide in caves whilst the UK put their bodies on the line to defend what they believe in.

If you dont try, your never going to achieve - i guess thats why we went through an industrial revolution around 100 years before you, have fun with subsistence farming!
Have fun getting excited every year, only to end up with sheer disappointment :( !
Have fun leading a monotonous life and seeing your country falling even further behind everyone else in a global scale of development.
I'd rather watch your country fail each year, if that's ok?

Is more fun :(
you really think he is finnish?
whatever he is, he is ashamed of his country to say it
occured to you he might be from england?
the english do suck ;)

but tbh, Andy Murray is Scotish not English you remtard -.-

Who cares?! UK sucks then!

Lewis Hamilton will fail tommorow.

Amir Khan will not turn out to be as great as he is made out (because of the perception in England, that being "destroy them before they start").

Same for murray.

Ricky Hatton will get knocked out in 3 rounds against Mayweather.

ETC, it's too obvious
Have you ever watched Amir Khan fight?
Has he fought anyone good yet? I remember watching him getting knocked down by some random.
1. Yes
2. Then you cant have been watching Amir Khan
You really have no fucking clue about Boxing then, don't post when you have no clue please.
Kind of hypocritical dont you think? Maybe you should go back and delete 99% the posts you have made in the last 20 mins for you to be able to justify that point.
Name me one good boxer that Amir Khan has fought....
He is the IBF inter-continental light welterweight champion, the current Commonwealth lightweight champion, and is ranked # 7 in the WBO world lightweight rankings.

You dont get there by accident :)
Funny .. I remember looking at the best pound for pound fighters and didn't even see him in the top 50?! AMAZING.
Has he fought anyone good yet? I remember watching him getting knocked down by some random.

Splodge on 20/10/07, 21:34:36 PM | Reply

2. Then you cant have been watching Amir Khan

Leave it out, you don't know alot about Boxing mate 8P
You've just tried to make the same point you did a few posts above, if you can think of anything new to say - dont bother replying.
lol ricky hatton is a fucking legend. he will knock any cunt out.
They said the same about Tyson, didn't they?
what finnish boxers are good? We have 3 outstanding boxers who are undefeated, the likes of joe calzaghe, ricky hatton and amir khan who are all amazing
Amir Khan .. fought noone good yet. It's like me saying I am undefeated because I've never lost (i've never won either, but hey i'm still undefeated!)

Ricky Hatton .. first tough fight in his career against Mayweather, and he'll get knocked out for sure.

Calzaghe .. isn't he in his 40's or something?
whatever u say about their age or who they have fought, u still havent got 1 good boxer in ur country and ur calling england a dissapointment. Ur a fucking joke m8, go back to ur igloo
So you subsequently admit that your country is a failure, but it's ok because they have achieved more than the country of the flag I have on xfire ???

There's no doubt England participates in more sports than everyone else, which is exactly why they are a disgrace.
well apparently your south african and that is even worst so nP
where have i ever said that my country was a failure, im commenting on ur ridiculous comments about our boxer's age and opponents which is absolutely ridiculous. We do not under achieve as a country we are highly ranked in most/all competitive sports unlike ur shit country with ur igloo's
Quote by retardwhere have i ever said that my country was a failure

subsequently. Are you one out of those five people in England that can't read?

Quote by retardim commenting on ur ridiculous comments about our boxer's age and opponents which is absolutely ridiculous. We do not under achieve as a country we are highly ranked in most/all competitive sports

You do underachieve. You play in more sports than everyone but achieve far less as a ratio. Might be confusing for you that sentence, let me put numbers in it. If you play in 20 sports, and win one of them a year, that's underachieving.

Quote by retardunlike ur shit country with ur igloo's

At least we can read and write!
1 there is nothing wrong with my grammar/english. 2 underachieveing is not about how many tournaments u enter and how many u win, its about what position/rank u are and the position that u come out of the event/tournament at the end. We enter as many competitions as we can because we have the skill in most/all competitive sports to compete with other countries. The statement u made about amir khan shows u know nothing about boxing as he is a young man who only came out of amateur boxing after the olympics. You would not put a boxer that has just turned pro into big fights for big titles against highly experienced guys, ur just a retard m8 and ur proving it
So how can you say Amir Khan is going to be a great boxer when he hasn't fought anyone good yet? If you put me in front of a 12 year old kid, and I beat the crap out of him, am I a great fighter?!
u are just proving how retarded u are and that u know nothing about boxing. Amir Khan is very young, he needs experience against decent boxers before fighting the great boxers. I will put it in ur geeky language so u can understand. If u create a new et team and after 1 prac together u stick them against tlr i would guarantee that they would lose. However even after they lose u can still say they have a bright future or talent. Its the same if the new team beats a relatively skilled team that say is playing oc prem/2nd league - you can still say they have a good future even though u know they are better than the oc prem/2nd league team. If u cant see that Amir Khan will be a world champion and a great boxer then again u know nothing about boxing.

Yes, comparing ET to Boxing really justified your point. Idiot.
i put it in terms that u as a geek that knows nothing about sports would understand. I will tell u why everyone knows Amir Khan will be a great fighter and a world champion is because he has it all. Speed strength determination and he has beat nearly all of his opponents easily. He is also a silver medalist at the olympics. Everyone has to start off against average/good fighters before they challenge the best
I'm sure any average fighter would beat fighters at Amateur level pretty easily too.

Example: Tyson beat all the opponents in front of him, everyone thought he was unstoppable until he got put in the ring with good fighters like Lewis and Holyfield. Same with happen with Amir Khan buddy, sorry to crush your hopes.
u know shit about boxing so stop replying to me because ur points are not valid. Every knows and can see Amir Khan is a great fighter, all u want to do is argue with me and waste my time. Ur a geek that knows nothing about sports and is insecure about his own country that his flag isnt his own country's. Fuck off and stop replying to me with all this bullshit because every boxer does the same as Amir Khan by starting off against the easier opponents, but Khan has beat all of them convincingly. Fuck off u foreign cunt
lol i feel really sorry for you mate, i know you like to think you know about sports because your country plays in most of them, but i'm afraid you don't

Your point that Amir Khan will be a world champion because he did well against amateur boxers (not even rated in top 100) is absolutely pathetic and biased. He beat them convincingly? I remember him getting knocked down by a noname, not the best of starts for the future world champion?! Get the fuck out of here and take your two brain cells with you.

I think it's kind of clear from a neutral perspective that I make alot more sense than you do lol 8)
if he had lost the fight of which u are talking about, i might have to agree with u. However he got back up and won the fight, a sign of a champion. Ur just looking for an arguement m8, u know nothing about boxing so im not even gonna waste my team by replying to u after this. bb geek.
Getting back up and winning the fight against a fucking no name is not an achievement, it's getting knocked down in the first place that is the point.

Might want to research about sports abit more before you act like you know stuff 8)
What a joke this is ^-^ your country achieves nothing. and never will do unlike england.
You are ridiculous and obviously no nothing about sport.
Your country achieves nothing so you have to flame on xfire.
Just because we are proud of our country and like to see them win u get all jelous.
Go back to your fucking wigwam u no life retard.
"until he got put in the ring with good fighters like Lewis". Yeh he was english gg finland
Atleast they got to the final, gave it their all and didn't quit.

Only noobs put there self-worth in results.
there are other countries than england playing cricket?
Yup! England are not even top 10 anymore.
We won the last world cup and came second in this, theres nothing to be ashamed of there. James Hamilton regardless of tommorow is an amazing prospect and football? We've the greatest league in the world.

Sami Hyppia scored excellent goal today, shame it was in his own net :`(
Shame he got subbed later, oh wait, that was England Gerrard.

And yet, Hyppia was far better than England Carragher.

Greatest league in the world = La Liga.

It's Lewis* btw
Liverpool are playing Arsenal next week, nothing wrong with resting players like Gerrard for the big games.
gerrard got subed because he has an important game this week in the champions league representing england who does finland have in the champions league ?

Changes nothing.
nice replying skills your such a loser my left nut has more pride on my country than you do you even know your national anthem ?
At least my team would sing theirs before their game unlike the England team! n1 pride :Dd
you should be happy that such a shit country even has an national anthem

did you steal it or bought of someother country thats better than yours (every fucking country)
Tell that to the sell out crowds at wembly
Lol @ Hyppia, btw.. James? O_o
Sami Hyypiä ;)
I cant even name a finish football team.
neither i, its finnish
oi listen here u little cunt, we are very passionate and of course we get dissapointed when we dont achieve something we believe we could. However, at least we are in the position to achieve/compete in these things unlike shit countries like finland who are too busy dancing on ice and falling down snow mountains. Go take another sauna
Your country has achieved what exactly ? The fact that the our countries take part in these tournaments and can sometimes go far is an achievment in itself. And even if we dont we still took part and for the most part tried our best! Which is much more than not even taking part.

Being scottish we dont expect great things from our teams but when they do well like in football this year we get behind them.

Tho your country has achieved from what i can tell nothing and you slate other countries which is pretty sad. maybe you have built up anger maybe your dad hates you tho mostly Jealousy!

Bring on the italiens!
so fucking true, uk pride is far better than any other country's/continents. However u gotta understand that most of these ppl are computer geeks posting stuff like this and dont even care about sports but just like winding ppl up.
Yes, I can see it now.


- Participating in Euro 2008 qualification stages.
- Playing in the Cricket world cup with amazing cricket teams like Canada, Scotland, etc

If you think England is trying their best, then your stupid.

Look at the players you have for football, world class names, yet your suck? Justify that as playing your best please.
Justification needs just two words: Steve Mclaren
Yet you failed to perform with Erikkson too, who is a superb manager doing wonders for Man City .. n1 justification.
Doesnt matter how good the manager is, if his management style doesnt fit into how the players play best - then they wont perform at their optimum.
lol! why can't you admit that you guys suck??
QuoteLook at the players you have for football, world class names

Even you agree we dont.
You for sure have world class players but you still suck, that's my point.
But you forgot that im right and your wrong, so your point cant be valid! :o
You suck. Simple. Face it. Recognize it. Accept it.

I'm American. We beat you in the American Revolution to serve the right to use the z in recognize.
You cant just change nationality to attempt to win an argument.
Why not? Because you can't say "haha America sucks at sports" now like you did with Finland?? :DDDd
There are plenty of insults for Americans, more so than for finish people so it seems, that by you changing your nationality all of a sudden you are just digging yourself a hole.
If you think England are better in sports in general than the Americans, then you need to clicky the little x in the right corner and go watch the Chelsea Middlesborough game now, which has 15 out of the 22 players on the pitch being foreign, gg.
I didnt say they were sporting insults :>
There's no need to take things out of context. Every country can be insulted in one form or another.
QuoteWe beat you in the American Revolution to serve the right to use the z in recognize.

There's no need to take things out of context. Every country can be insulted in one form or another.
i said for the most part we try our best. Im not saying our teams play 100% every game. However when our teams do try there best we get good results and even when teams are not trying there best they still do well in cups sometimes ( not all the time ).

Most recent would be england in the rugby, in some games they may not of tried there best but they still came 2nd and that is a good achievment no matter what you say.

Tho when scotland dont try there best we get humped, like the match agaisnt Georga!

Georgins smell!
Quote by Vexxehi said for the most part we try our best. Im not saying our teams play 100% every game

n1 contradiction.
to sum all my shit up, Our countries try which we are proud of win or loose. The end.
Shame the majority disagrees.
You are a Minority, not a majority Maiko
I think if we conducted a survey for English people with these two options (and read it out to them as 1/5 can't read or write)..

[x] It's ok, at least they are trying
[x] We should do much better.

Clearly, the latter would win.
Assuming something makes an ASS of U and ME.
Clearly, you've managed to do the ME part all by yourself.

No assumptions were made in my point, you really need to get back to school :(

Hypothetical statements do not involve making assumptions, in this case.
QuoteClearly, the latter would win.
You have no proof on this point so you clearly are assuming what the answer would be.

Anyway, football is on so ill carry this convosation on in the morning if your up for some banter :)
Nop, I don't think there's any need. All I see is you english people failing to admit you are underachieving in the sports you should be doing better at with comments such as "hey, but we're better than Finland!" and "but we have one things in the past and we will win things in the future!"
"but we have one things in the past and we will win things in the future!"

Its not just england that can say that, that sentence could be relevant to every country in the world.
Not South Africa, they won the world cup earlier tonight.
Not Finland, they dont even compete.
you are one of a hell serious suomi poika , im afraid of you :(

image: 77076866sy9
Nice Photoshop, I don't even know you lol!
Just like the majority of people dont know you.
arg too many words and thaught for this time on a saturday, cant take much more!
1. England aint doing very well as a national team in football.

2. England is a much bigger country than Finland, so they shouldnt be compared to each other.

3. The statement about Finland falling behind in global development is just bullshit. Finland is one of the most up to date countries when it comes to technology.I bet atleast 80% of you have a Nokia phone. Even though our internet sucks. And we seem to have a great future to look forward too, because Finland came second after South-Korea in the competition for the worlds smartest students.

4.If we still want to compare England to Finland we could take a sport that Finland usually do well in, like Formula 1. Lewis Hamilton is kicking Raikkonens ass right now. So one cant state that England dont do well in any sport.

And ffs...Its the swedes and Norwegians that go running when the war comes knocking at their door...not the Finns.
So one cant state that England dont do well in any sport.

Never said they do, but they ARE underachievers and it's funny that not one english person can admit it :P
One english man could admit it to another english man, but to a finn who's sporting entertainment calendar appears to be filled with British interest, no.
Why can only one english man admit it to another english man.

This must mean they aree embarrassed to accept failure to other countries? It makes alot of sense now!
Failure in comparisson to your nations sporting achievements?
stick to the topic please, no idea arguing if you are going off topic
dude get a grip, your country suxs, where is your country through all the tournaments that UK takes part in

You know why hes doing this you know. He got caught by the immigration police in the UK so now hes flaming us
So now my country sucks?? :) Stick to topic plz.
every brit that have actually visited Finland that I´ve talked to have got nothin but good things to say bout Finland.
Fintard dissing England @ sports?

Your in an awesome position to dismiss our failure, what with your towering greats like............
the question was not whether finland has had greater success in sports than the was about the underachieving UK and why you cannot admit that you suck at football for example.
as soon as someone mentions the english football team and their poor results you brit-bastards get all defensive and shit. Admit that they suck dammit. :D
Last time I went to see England - Finland it ended 0-0. And that my friends is a huge underachievement from the UK side.

*edit (Yes, it was football...not hockey.)
:D thx for showing how stupid you are.

We win. Good night.

Please take into consideration that in every country except England, YOU, my dear sir, is also considered foreign.
yueh but its saturday night n i dont giv a shit
actually, its sunday
dammit...surfing around the web and I must say that I cant find the letter R in the word England....even though daze proved to us in the coment above that it is spelled "ENNNNGGGEEERRRRLLLLAAANNNNDDDD".
Have you gotten the call from MENSA yet?
U obviously no nothing.. its just slang.
Member For: 0 days

Just accept your country is a failure when it comes to sports.
You slag england off and yet they compete at a high level for every sport.

"Member for: 0 days"

Do you think people arent born until they join crossfire???

"...and yet they compete at a a high level for every sport"...okay, let´s talk about famous english ice hockey players.

In the 2006 olympics The UK got one medal, while Finland got 9.
Yeah, I know...Finland was underachieving in the 2006 olympics.
That was the winter Olympics? who the fuck competes in them except the northern country's.
who cares about who competes in them. Just wanted to prove that England does not compete at a high level in every sport.

Anyways, this is pointless if we are going to go off topic.
Since when am i going off topic. im talking about sport and how england play at a top level compared to the Finns. no offense mate but get it through your head england can actually achieve things in sport. and yet the Finns just.... well FAIL
Yeah, well the topic was why you cant admit that you are underachieving in footballl for example...not whether the brits have achieved more than the Finns.

And considering the size of Finland, I´d say we do pretty well.
"And considering the size of Finland, I´d say we do pretty well"

Sorry mate haven't heard anything about Finland's sporting achievements.
And back to the subject of football then. Finland have 0 teams that have a high enough standard to compete in the champions league etc .
Admit that you are underachievers atm.
kk 2nd rwc underachieving? still can qualify for the euro08 . Hamilton looks to become the f1 world champion. we have 2 of the best boxers in the world hatton / joe calzaghe and a up and coming champion Khan theres loads of things i could name.. yet finland are Supposedly good at ice hokey a sport that a handful of country's play
plz edit the Hamilton part coz Räikkönen just kicked his ass.

Only a handful of countrys play it coz only a handful are good at it. But many more countries are interested in hockey if you count the fans.
Well obviously this is going nowhere and u cant face the facts.
hahah, the cat got your tongue??

And a good night to you sir.
Let us please continue this topic November, 21st 2007. The day it becomes clear that England has failed to qualify for the European Championships
yes goodnight. don't reply or my cat will eat your toes
(just proving I aint scared of your cat)

See ya! ;D
Now that being said...lets not go any further off topic.
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