Average Day - Morning

What do you do in Morning, when woken up.

1. Shower
2. Dressed (sorry, no i don't play naked)
3. EAT!
4. Check Crossfire
5 Phone all my friends and wake them up.
6. Masturba.... i mean watch TV.
7. Afternoon
im bored
OHMY it scarzy
omg its that guys whose name i can't spell!
1. Wake up
2. Smash my alarm-clock
3. Refresh myself
4. Dress
5. Eat/drink
6. Run
7. Drink some water
8. Watch TV, or do my homework
9. Afternoon
'refresh yourself' is like my number 6?
8. check crossfire
9. check crossfire

idd they might be something IMPORTANT!
1. wake up
2. roll over
3. fall asleep again
same, but at afternoon go back to fu** army :(
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