another portal journal from me

for those who thinks portal is to easy try this : click

image: portal
we need more portal journals
euuuh...what just happened?
portal just ftw <3 <3 <3 <3
the flash version is also nice ;p
need custom maps link

then download

its a great map
im stuck at 18 :s
where? I can help you :)
on your left is a botten you can push, you can go up there by shooting some portals, then shoot a portal @ the lightning ball aswell, the other portal you have t shoot is on the lefthand platform on your screenie, then push the button when the lightning ball arrives
First make a portal @ that black wall and sticked out wall on your left side, let the plasmaball pass the portal then do a quick 40degrees turn to your left and put a portal on the wall sticking out near a buttonswitch and then put a portal behind you and step halfway through the portal and press the button when the ball come.

After that take the platform that just started moving and jump down to the lower room that you can see on your screen, make a portal on the wall to your right there and another portal on about where you are standing now, then you must act quick, press the button in the lower room, go through your portal, shot a portal on the wall that tilt 90 degrees about over where you are standing at your screenshot then go to the edge to your right side and shoot a portal down there and jump down through it, you will be flying to the higher room.

Grab the box and take it to the other side of the room and leave it there(about where you are standing right now), make a portal near the box, then take the platform again and go to the lower level and press the button, now make a portal on your right wall again and go through it, grab your box and go back out of that room.

Take it to the red button and you are practically done.

There is cake for you.
Nope, wrote it myself. :-P
: D

gonna try it now

edit: it worked, pretty much the only thing i was confused about was that red button in the air :)

edit2: the thing after that is nice, when you have to shoot portals in the air etc: p
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