for all the people who have an account on or want to make one:
go vote for ET:Quakewars at the latest poll. for sure better than voting for random games like Crysis and stuff :)

direct link:
CoD 4 tbh.
voted for UT3, way better than quakewars
pk:overdose ofc
Call of Duty 4 ofc
CoD 4, UT3, Hellgate London and the best game ever PORTAL !!
pk:overdose and CoD4
Crysis 188 Stimmen / 25.6%
Team Fortress 2 148 Stimmen / 20.2%
Painkiller: Overdose 31 Stimmen / 4.2%
Unreal Tournament 3 212 Stimmen / 28.9%
World in Conflict 34 Stimmen / 4.6%
ET:Quake Wars 27 Stimmen / 3.7%
Call of Duty 4 94 Stimmen / 12.8%

UT3 \o/
It's more intresting to see this one: ET:Quake Wars 27 Stimmen / 3.7%
most pc's won't be able to run crysis why to the hell so many dumbasses vote for it...:S
is this the thread where I can flame ETQW?
voted 4 Crysis
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