Help us to MTV!!

My band VINDRA is in the MTV competition nordic unsigned!!

We need votes , and we want to thank the whole x fire community for all the votes so far!!

If u already voted today, plz do it again tomorrow / after 00:00 .

click enter | vote | vote right next to VINDRA "in my head" .

same rules in this journal as before : only Eng | Swe | Swahili allowed . :p

This song only competes this week , maybe we will upload another, but I dont know yet , "might be "reunification" if any1 knows that song?! .. :P

Connection might be a bit slow, so ur also welcome to hear the song on our myspace page : but do plz vote first.

Feel free to spread the word about us us !!

soz 4 the spamming.. but i cant help it.. :p

and thank u again !!
on ur page, are u the guy on the pic on the left side? ur the only one with no description :(
im richard Sundström .. :) aka gob@r "the man, the myth, the lamer!!" :p
oh, the age is wrong then on the page!
well im born 1973 .. :)
okay im born 15.2.1991.
MySpace link doesn't work.
now it does
i want to hear songs before i vote anything ! :D
well just listen ,but on our page the songs dont lagg .. :p

And im the only ET player in the competition i promise .. :p
listen to what :o? where can i listen :o?
sounds u2 alike

except the vocals sound kinda childish
thank u for that .. i luv them .. :)
I voted, because I kinda like your music.
didnt see the myspace site :D!, listening now !
in my head by qotsa > that :( !
well ppl like different styles , we like this style so we think our songs are special , and our fans as well .. :p

but ur most welcome with ur opinion ofc..
hmm, sounds ok, not my kind of music tho :P but i'll give you my vote !
Looks metal
nice song
Votes, song is really great!!! Gimme moaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar
when i get my 10€ ?
I love you babeeeee , tararararar
I hope no one votes, MTV is already full of that kind of shit music =S It's not like you get famous with that kind of music if you get to MTV, and if you get in the MTV because of begging for others to vote for you, you are lame.

Make some good music and you don't have to be lame.
sounds like u had a bad child hood or smth :p , and btw there is to little straight rock in MTV these days , its mostly filled with indie and RnB, hip hop according to myself..

And btw! it´s a competition, the ones that get the most votes get a chanse infront of a grand jury,, im calling my friends to vote , i dont see any lamish activity here!! it´s everyones decision to vote, I dont make ppl vote ! :p

And before anything gets on MTV the winner has to record the song in a better studio and make a video etc , thats what the winners get.

so go on and start voting!
I voted...for Union Square. It's maybe the only band of that list i could bear hearing in the MTV.
well thats up to u , who are u anyway?! :p
I'm Mika from Finland, who are you?
click on my nick and read about me on my page .. :)
Sorry, not interested.
You said that "MTV is already full of that kind of shit music", then why did you vote for Union Square? Imho they sound absolutely common/standard.
done mate
nice song

not my kind of music, still voted. gl
you are not good

just give up
stfu lmao! we will never give up , and why give up .. we are in finals atm? :)
sounds just like a song from Rockstar

its not original at all tbh
put up the volume and it will sound original,, especially in the end. :p

but to be honest ,, there is not any song in the world that "every" single listener loves .. :p
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