
Tell me a good one! I have been using the same since 2 years (sygate pro).

image: pedohanear
yes u should get a new!
old, but still owns.. Easy to use n stuff. <3 sygate
why do you need to change then?
its getting older. And i wanna test a new one.
Software Firewalls are completly useless. Use a router, or u don`t need one.
i have a router :\ but its strange.. i think that perfect is use firewall from router and one firewall software
The software is completly useless. Are u also brushing ur teeths twice, with 2 different toothbrushers? ^^
bei dir würds auch helfen wenn du sie nur einmal putzt
Not really, a Windows firewall can selectively permit outgoing connections, something very impractical to do on a dedicated firewall. Although with a good antivirus and nice "downloading" skills you might not need this.
rule #1: only run software u trust.
ppl not doin this deserve what they get
iptables useless? :o although with win, not talkin bout their own packetfilter, completely agreed.
If someone wanna hack you, he`ll just use the programs/processes, which u have allowed in ur firewall. Talking about Windows.
exactly thats my point in theory, if u open ports be sure they're intended for public use n some propperly configured services are runnin there. but still there might be some services u want to open to restricted ips n not to the whole world (eg nfs between some servers with public ips) or u want to protect some clients in ur network (but also with public ip adresses) - still iptables is software (although in kernel-space) and imo therefore not completely useless. also some services that shut down ur ssh-login after a number of failed login-attempts might rely on iptables. plus, when setting up windows servers (yeye, i know, but atleast i get payed for it, anybody can be bought ^^) even when configuring all services/useraccounts propperly i still dont feel pretty comfortable when i think those magic ms-ports (137-139, 443 etc) are still open n godwhoknowswhichdamn windows-service is still listening there, even if it denies all requests. (where the windows packet filter aka windows "firewall" gains my support)
Now I got ur point. ^^
damn, you are a nerd.
i think im gonna take this as a compliment this time =) but im old now n god knows there were other times :>
fukn true . . . blame the damn well known ports
well, the prob here is also that ms has the clever strategy for binding several services to the same ports. u wanna block one service for public but rely on the other, still need all services runnin for local use, nice situation ...
iptables on a dedicated computer is the same thing as a "hardware" firewall.
actually. there is nothin like a "hardware firewall". even ciscos are only some computers (admittedly with special hw) runnin ios (ye, i know not all ciscos do, but that goes 2 deep now).
That's why I put it in quotes. :)

People usually call it a "hardware" firewall/router if it's a separate box that doesn't look like a computer (even if it's running embedded Linux/iptables), or "software" firewall if it's software running in Windows.

Running Netfilter/iptables on a computer is what I'd call a "geek" firewall. ;)
too much stress today to realize the quotes, soz ;) well, convinced my chef yesterday do base the routers for the new installations we do on linux, rlly glad i dont have to fiddle with ios for that :> plus, when it comes to extensibility (snort etc) nothin beats a linux setup here imo.
"convinced my chef yesterday"

Installing routers in the kitchen? ;)
no, that "chef" will arrive thursday tbh ;) omg, gotta clean, bbl ...
this one
firewalls are useless if u have firefox and brains.
replace firewall with antivirus and i agree
well i dont think anyone of us is in the position to get hacked, so what use has a firewall?
blocking useless ports of programs
you can also do that via router, you dont need a softwarefirewall for it
some people dont use an router becoz they are in a Big lan like me :P called university
A router is good at blocking specific ports, but can't [easily] prevent a specific program from "calling home" if it uses e.g. port 80.
(Software firewalls doesn't really add much security against malware though.)
(Software firewalls doesn't really add much security against malware though.)
That was my point !
replace firefox with opera and i agree
eicher = freak but <3 ;-)
ZoneAlaram, for the win :)
dont need it.
Kerio or Zone Alarm
Kaspersky Internet Security
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