At the ppl over IQ 90

Hoi Community

Since Iam playing much RPG I want to know If somebodys knows a good program to simulate a 2nd windows (virtual) on your PC. Furthermore it should be able to play 3D games. I have a CPU and Graphiccard with two cores and some knowledge.

I googled but I just found Windows simulators for Linux, or some which arent able to run 3D games.

Thx, in advance
vmware has experimental 3d-accelleration afaik
No its not running 3D games.
I tried it today :(
hmm, how did u create the virtual machine? i dont know if the gui has those options. there are some vm-generators on the inet that allow it, ive seen those options but never tried. one is
iam not able to reply your journal
< IQ 90
Why not just play windowed?
I need a second window to trade/farm
tell immortal 2 spank u extrahard for that tonite ... :>
let me guess, you play silkroad?
Virtual PC for a second windows. Free to download off microsoft afaik all you need is another copy of windows.
I don't 'get' this (your method). Surely, since it's a RPG you would require two separate accounts regardless. Windows Server edition (any version should be fine, but try 2000 first) and then Virtual PC, you're free to be as sad as you want then! :{
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