Adobe flash player


Lately I'm having trouble with watching movies on youtube. Everytime I try to watch it tells me that I have either Java turned off or an old version of Adobe flash player and it gives me a link to download the newest version. Ofcourse I have downloaded this new version, installed it and restarted my PC, but the problem hasn't been solved. I would like to know how I can make it work again or else I'll never be able to watch movies at youtube again and that would make me very sad.

image: adobeflashrv8 (that's the thing)

Have a good evening.
23 again oO
Hmm, yeah I've done that. Still doesn't work, so I'm guessing my Java isn't turned on then... but it always has been. So how can it suddenly be turned off and how do I turn it on again? :(
dont know mate..never had that prob :X
delete every flash related plugin before reinstalling
adobe flash
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