ovs to say goodbye!

bye guys, thx for everything!

i donno about skillz.et will stay active or not, hope they will continue playing.
the reason why ovs leave the scene again is like last time. lack of support
(mainly by our managers) and the flame what i cannot stand again.
ovs will be back as soon as possible when i find a nice and reliable hosting co.

what would u guys choose?:

or other?

there is no song
real life imo
ill be your manager =]
lol no :<
gl trev !

twinz was best ovs player imo
WiC and UT3
1337th time ovs foleds lol.. i would go for ET
actually 2nd time. in 1 year.
we have the same prob with snd atm
i would still go for ET
just take some random cheater squad again like you've always used to do
if i will find one in cod4 i surely take them. thx for teh nice and friendly advice
cod 4 is the future :>
Cod4 is gunna be the next biggest fps game
arent you manager of oVs?
hes head manager so i think like a leader
gl @ Hungary future| & cod4 is the option imo
you can sponsor me in ut07 im already bb*pwning
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