1-1 aim?

i was just wondering, but if you start to play 1-1 games in clanbase or just fun 1-1 matches; Would that actuly improve you ET aim in 3v3 or 6v6?
neh aiming is aiming, and I think 6v6 improves it the most because you have to switch from player to player.

1v1 is just preshooting and lucking
3v3 most.. 6v6 is more crossfire shooting
well... I guess it could help you with tracking on an even level... to some extent... but I have heard and tried myself, and noticed that it is really hard to aim in real game after 1on1 games... 1on1 maps are just too even to learn aiming, in real maps people are bunnyhopping towards you, and you should be able to hit them still... :F
Pracctice, whatever in which way, is always good, but even a good public server will increase ur aim more than 1on1.
you should play on skynet (arena51) you always get a lot of headshots and that will boost your ego!
sarcams ?or not
that's actually true !
et isnt about aim anyways .... :E
uuuummmzzzzz it is, well 50%
oh pls... compare it to quake3. et is more teamplay oriented, positioning and spamming :S
ET is more about aim than q3
thanks for reply
Teamwork > aim ...

Just ask the big players they will answer it

Ofc you need aim , but a worse aiming team can still beat a better aiming team :)
a worse aimer can beat a beter aimer in q3 too
Err.... no, as Quake is dominantly about aim, a better aimer usually wins unless he's a total nub at the game.

If two people with equal gamesense + knowledge of the game go up against each other, the better aimer will (usually) win.
if two ET teams with equal teamplay play against each other the better aimers will win, ofcourse
Obviously, if they're using the same tactics as each other the better aimers will get it done faster / put up a stronger defense.
I don't agree, being good in any game is so much more than aim imho.
play et_headshot;O
THANKS for the comments guyys.
btw you dont got the shittiest computer.. before this 1 i had a celeron 1.7 ghz so stfu :<
ya u have nice 260 GB RAM -_-'
imo to improve your skills you should pub 30mins and play a 6v6 after
i dont have 260 GB ram xD lol i have 260GB memory :D
3o3 > 1o1 > 6o6
At least for your aim.
read aimingbyRaZiel plz thx gtfo
:O my computer runs off a mouse :D
ask you what? lol
Okay, it depends on how you play your one on ones.

F.E. don't use the "one way only" bullcrap, disallow sk and nades, play other map than valhalla also.

But still, you get most aim from 3v3 then 6v6, but you can use some 1v1 to mix it.
i have to disagree... best on aim is 3v3, 6v6 is spam, teamplay, and like in 85% u are shooting to somebody, who dont have full HP.. and in 70% u arent shooting alone... i remember when i was starting, i played a lot et_headshot and it was rly good for aiming.. and btw: 1v1 on valhalla, is about camp, not aim. but if u wanna roughly know, how is he shooting, it isnt so bad..
sry for my stoned engrish ;p
Stoned at this hour? :-D

I think you mean agrees, because that's what I wrote but more basically.
no u wrote best is 3v3 on aim, thats what i agreed in, but i think u CAN'T train aim in 6v6.
btw we had a water problems @ schoolso tehy let us go home :]
Well, imo the biggest factor in obtaining skills lies in your own motivation, the rest is just beneficial sidekicks and they are most often quite personal.
Ofcourse it will help you, if you play 1vs1 a lot your aim will be much better in other mods too
best practice is imo running around corner :] like in aiming by raziel

in 1on1 u only got the reaction. But u never will get the aim, teamplay and gameplay for a 6on6. Its better to play MINIMUM a 3on3...
u will have like 60% acc in et after playing cod2 :)
and no 1on1 does not help
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