what resolution for movie

I capped at r_mode 8, that means 1280x1024.
But now I'm not sure if i'd better resize it.
First i thought i let it like this, but i've never never seen movies always getting resized to 1280x720 and I wonder if there is a special reason, and if keeping it 1280x1024 is ok... or maybe even resizing or to 1280x960?
I'm a bit confused right now
800x600 , good oldschool
1900 / 1200
1280x720 looks cool (special reason)
not if its resized from such resol.
google for hd 720p and u will see ^^
use normal resolutions like 480 / 720/1080 (google)
so you mean 1280x1024 is not normal?

google tells me it's SXGA

HD 1080 (1920x1080)
HD 720 (1280x720)
PAL DV Widescreen (720x576) use something like this (hd 720 > all)
I really hate when people resize from 4:3 (or even 5:4) to 16:9. Stretching the image doesn't make it widescreen, it just makes it ugly.

Preserve the aspect ratio when resizing and crop if necessary.
but resizing to 4:3 from 5:4 would be ok?
It's small enough for most people not to notice, but it still stretches the image. If you use camtrace and roll then it may still be noticable that the size of objects varies depending on the angle...
hey, just need to ask, is this resize ok?
image: 645585fa9e3aaa6dbc968ac92fabd9e6db6ede
nice snowstorm
I was sarcastic, it looks sux.
8<, gonna make suicide now
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