the song?!

yo guys was wondering what you think about this songie

i think it's great! =]

scooter - The question is what is the question
you can't be serious anymore :(
that son rly sucks tbh :X
and the jumpstyle doesnt match to the song ..

thats nice :

dj coone-the return ;)
scooter sucks. Listen some Rob Mayth remixes , u'll see what's good music :P
ARGH, jumpstyle everywhere i fucking see :X
in the beginning it was pretty cool, it was new, only a few did it but now omfg, i can't stand it!!
SO many ringtone-commercials, SO fucking annoying 13 year olds with fake diamont earrings wearing de puta madre who jump on every possible party
agreed those fucking 13 year olds
I dont prefer this kind of music, but it's ok :)
lolol when i was liek 6 i was listening to the scooter xD
scooter should stick to the (happy) hardcore :)
you call that music and jumping is like wtf "i like to be a nerd" or something?

this is music:
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