Need some info on Laws

Basically ASDA has promoted a crate of 20 Heineken on their site as 10p, LEGALLY speaking, if you have the proof of advertisement and a receipt do they have to give it to you?
YES! Link
ASDA website > beers etc.. > premium lager > heinekin crate = 10p max allowed 24 crates
Buy LOTS and then if they don't give it you say well thats false advertising.. so you HAVE to give thx ;)
sure. if there is nothing like: in one sore in hawaii only!
no they dont.
they can remove the item and reprice it within 24hrs

if not sell story 2 the sun or smth, they would be happy to hear it ;)
But this is like a few other scandles over the years, Tesco advertised a TV for <£10 or something and all who ordered were legally allowed it.

I've got a receipt and screenshot of the 10p purchase, just see what they have to say next :)
when tesco advertised xbox 360's for 100 quid they had to sell em at that price till they changed the advertisement or smth
Yes they have to give it to you. You just have to have proof of the advert.
Do they send outside the uk?
Trying to order 24 crates for £2.40.

My friends have spent almost £200 on order (only 24 crates are allowed per £25) = profit :D
Are we talking about beer? :)
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