My new System is comming!

CPU Sockel AM2 Athlon64 X2 5600+
Festplatten 3,5 Zoll SATA 500 gb
NVIDIA 8600GTS 256 mb
Mainboards Sockel AM2 MSI K9N SLI-2F
4x DDR2 RAM 1024 mb 800 mhz



not so good how the king pc from hummel but care
who gives a shit?
i could buy that too for that price :o
Quotenot so good how the king pc from hummel but care

i smell hummel fake account
u smelled wrong :p
I would've never bought an AMD at this moment and nivdia 8 series is waste of money atm as well with the 9 series right around the corner.

just my 2 cents, but as long as you are happy with it :D
Just say something positive about it!
Well hi to you too slijz!
the price is nice. :P
Where to get that for 500 euros?
link link link
100 euro more an u has 8800GTS
you should have waited for the 8800GT they will come out in a little month, will be cheaper then 8800GTS320 and much better then 8800GTS320 & 640
wrong , they will relase 8800 gts with 112 sp i think , old = 96

The 8800GT will be between 8800gts 320 mb & 8800gts 512 mb , 112 sp
AM2? pls.
not a good pc, that processor goes below all of the core 2 duo's from intel i beleive, and the gfx card is one of the lowest in the range, will probably not get 60 fps in ETQW


for that price its okay i guess
i'm getting 60fps with lower specs video and processor wise.
yea but your game looks like shit and on public it wont stay at 60 right??

hes buying a new system at this time when theres cards that will run it at 120fps even on public.. my point is just that its a waste of money thats all ^^

hes not buying it just for ET or soemthing i assume so 500 fps in ET means nothing now and games wont be made for dx7 or lower :)
maybe he's buying it for crysis???
will run it shit on mp xD
NVIDIA 8600GTS 256 mb

u are a moron. rly.
looks okay but why do anything else but Intel :)
NVIDIA 8600GTS 256 mb

i got 8600GTS silent 512mb .. cant say im impressed about it though
i woulda bought a cheapter 7 series card from nvidia that performs better than 8600gts cause you're not gonna play any new directx 10 games with a 8600 anyways

otherwise it's better than my system :D
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