burned my finger

well i was making toast today and i tottaly forgot about it and when i went to get it the toast was all burnt so i got the toast and i burn my finger =<

have you done something so retarded like that ?
mhh no..

I'm MR. Perfect XD
No, sorry, you're the only one.
no , but the finger in your ass, it'll help
won't that cause infections ..
it'll numb the pain and feel good ;o
depends if he has a clean ass or not ;)
never try to do something with a cigarette in ur hand and forget that u have a cigarette in ur hand ^^
Was a burning surprise ^^
burned mine too :(
learn to use fullstops and commas
grammar nazi
just some firecracker exploding in my hand
rofl xD mir is mal so nen heuler in der hand los gegangen, wollte warten und ihn hoch werfen so das er in der luft losgeht aber die zündschnur war scheller :x
gleiche bei mir nur mit so nem chinaböller, hab zum glueck noch ein bisschen wegschmeissen koennen... ist dann nurn paar cm von meinem ohr weg explodiert :d
war ganz lustig
hab mal auf ner stielgranate gestanden war auch ganz lustig
ich auch, hab dann aber fullspawn kassiert
du musst den heuler ziemlich geil gemacht haben damit der in lust hoch geht :o
own fault no mercy
fuck it.. it happens. :(
I burned my wrist today. I was frying onions and sausages (great hangover food btw) in a pan, my wrist hit the hot pan and it went *psshht* ----> I quickly took my hand off it and half of the food was suddenly on the floor =(
Age: 15 ( 12 July 1992 )
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