about kenta

kenta told me that he was cheating vs cotana. He got a testhack from migrosbudget.
he said "i played only with wh+panza vs cortana" but iam sure the a played with humanaim too+he said smth about duke_ but iam not sure that hes cheating too

so my best regards to kenta
this ec sucks.
lol nice friend you are :D
i never was a friend of both
why would he tell you
Why the f*cking cheat...
If you can't play without, then don't play ffs :|
he only "tested" it....yeaaaaaaaah
haha busted i knew ...to all thoese ppl that said hes not he is ur fukin blind end of
busted? its a bust?
panzer wallhacked me out too :p
like someone said, he used wh with the panzer, thats why the idling in spawn after change of class all the time. but yeah, he is using humanized aimbot all the time aswell.
mkay, duke is clean btw
u also think kenta is clean so np ;)
Where and when did I ever say kenta is clean?
I SAID "+he said smth about duke_ but iam not sure that hes cheating too" so it can be that he is clean
Yes i can read, you don't have to tell me that
You said you're not sure if duke was cheating, i said he wasn't, just to take away ur doubts :)
why would he tell u if he did?
coz we mixed a lotand he thought he can trust me +he told reaz the same
then i loled about kenta :/
i asked him why he hax then he said "if u think i hack...." LOL
duKe busted :p (<3)
He didnt tell you, since hacks from migrosBudget (nC) never do suspicious stuff like he did. It never go out of its aimfov etc. (or at least it shouldnt, if it does, then its a bad bot :P)
every testversion is bad
Makes no sense..
I guess that at least the last two testversions before a final bot, are good..

And getting the bots not to go out of its own aimfov, is like the first thing they make, its not a bug in a testversion.. (then its a bad coder :P)
he told him, so lets end this.
who cares about the low+ med- cheater scene ô0... i'm just looking forward to cdc4, when they have to go again with 0 wins and 5 losses xDDD n00bs
low-med :DDDD

what skill are you again? :O
du hast einfach ein zuuu großes ego xD so funny ... hab mir noch nie so den arsch abgelacht... er fragt mich nach meinem skill, bekommt aber zuvor auf cdc den popo versohlt :) (schau mal nach wie weit CoF gekommen ist, und wie du und kenta gesuckt habt xD)

jetzt denkt er, er ist der player, weil er beim EC mitgespielt hat...

dafür nur 2 gründe:
1. EC ist heute so low wie vor 3 jahren die 2nd league OC
2. n1ce.it geht auf cdc ab wie zäpfle ... haxpected werden sie online von absoluten cdc losern in der EC quali geschlagen ^^

wannabe... hol deinen kenta raus und zockt mal gegen TLR oder overdose reicht auch schon... dann siehst du wie high du bist ^^ vllt in der birne xD
so fuckin expected . . .
kinde bullshit that he tells this to you when your not his friend but what ever no pic not happend I also could say ye mAus told me he had hax on his usb @ cpc2 and use humi aim and aimfov 1 noone who saw it, but still he said it to me cause well i mixed with him so he trusted me LIKE LOL

random nerds who trust your words but still don't mind that bad and about duke_ he's just nais<3
he told me that coz he dont learn to watch behind the mask
and your pro in english but still i don't cry about that;o)
your english is pro also
wasnt here, but that sounds bad :[
human word: new mAus
ppl u so crazy!good work!
i lol'ed, i never tried cheats and i never will. So, if you are not sure about something, you better keep your mouth closed about it.
best proof since 1923
nope 1923 Im sure I was there
chin0 told me that he was cheating vs vodkateam. He got a testhack from migrosbudget.
he said "i played only with wh+panza vs vodkateam" but iam sure the a played with humanaim too+he said smth about domi but iam not sure that hes cheating too

so my best regards to chin0

OMG ;o
not Domi? :<
niemand krijgt de eer om mij te busten!
what did i do now? :<
haxpected :)

duKe_ can't cheat, he kill player from both teams xD
Quote hi kill player from both teams xD

i dont get it ^^
whine more retard scared that the ppl keep an eye on you?
whats your point, i just said my oppinion. I didnt try to scare ppl or something like that. I just told you to shut your mouth if you have no clue, thats it...
show us irc logs
divinus just qry'ed me..
he said, he would use hacks...he is a member of the nc forum etc...he is creatin the hacks himself..
and he said something about jok3 beeing a "spacken"
3 busts on one day, amazing... xD
yes iam member of nc any probs with it?
since you seem to have a prob with kenta's cheats
i have a prob with your membership @ nc...
yeah, it helps that the ppl are trusting in your words :D
well it doesnt really matter what he says, kenta is a cheater nevertheless.
it matters if he is start telling lies about me :)
well he said nothing about you?
Quote...+he said smth about duke_ but iam not sure that hes cheating too

Thats enough bullshit for me :)
my friend said something about duke but im not sure - now you can call me bullshit talker aswell :XD
i already knew it before :P
that im bullshit talker or that my friend talked about you?
and you're only saying this because im 100% sure kenta is a cheater and you still havent admitted that u think he is a cheater aswell or?
i heard a guy called tsubasa haXX too is that u???
i specced him on TV, clear hax! :D
my words! O=)
yea and i was talking with mAus, he said that whole crossfire is band of motherfuckers... they didnt notice that he was cheating @ cpc and all -_-

ps. no offence maus :p
ich hab sowas von an junge :D
Stimmt ! ich habs gemerkt alls er mehr bodyshots als Headshots machte , u ARE BUSTED !

...and he wonders why he was banned.
lal at that guy !
private logs, ban!
finally some1 bans them
you're so super, divinuS
nicht gerade nett das du ihn hintergehst wenn er dir was anvertraut, ich wär von mir selber enttäuscht !
we dont care solche hurensöhne machen die Community im arsch also care =)
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