crysis demo lol

image: crysislol

whole world is dl'ing it =)
crysis busted
already got it!!
just deinstalled it, didnt like it
Crysis will suck, Hellgate london ftw (except lame payshit)
downloading some day.. but not now :D
i have downloaded it yesterday from EA server with fullspeed :)
some1 posted the link here on xfire
but i did not test it yet
your opera looks shit :(
and u r 2 n00b 2 remove zeh ads :(
it seriously doesnt work when i click on them :|
my brother is gonna put it on a dvd coz i cant dl :D
wtf is this game? explain. FPS ?
it's like the most best awesome good graphics FPS ever.
Parent here you go! its an fps with "revolutionary" graphics engine. gfx looks almost the same as photo =)
so with my pc its not worth to download :p
crysis = cod4
fucking ownage
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