guid question

If i change my Operating System, does my guid change also?
What files (etkey i guess) do i have to backup that it stays the same?
Dont think it changes

It just makes file out of your HD and IP i thought
why do u have to keep your guid? what does it matter?
- he wants to have clear yawn
- he doesnt want to change his guid on cb/esl/whatever every time he reinstalls OS and et
- he likes his guid

(possible reasons)
your etguid will prolly change depends on your os
to save your pbguid just save your etkey file
etkey --> pbguid

Ethernet Card --> etpro guid

iirc :o
k thx for the answers guys
Your etpro GUID will change with the OS, no way to prevent it.
if you change back to your old OS however, it will be the old GUID.
and what if i install same windows but from other cd (perhaps one is slightly newer)? and does sp1 or sp2 make any difference?
I might be wrong, but I think I can remember my GUID changed when I changed to SP2
does it matter?
if he asks, i can only guess that it does matter for him =)
I guess he thinks other players will think he's a cheater if he got a new guid
it should change... guids change according to some hw (ethernet, hdds...)... and also with the OS...
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