rtcw teams @ CDC3
27 Oct 2007, 13:32
Please some ET guys sign up for the rtcw tournament @ CDC3, i want some competition... atm it seems there are only 4 teams going to play @ cdc3.
35.2 %
(19 votes)
64.8 %
(35 votes)
et also..
gl&hf there! RtCW <3
how much € for the entrance ?
And entrance.. And stay etc.
1st 50,000 €
2nd 30,000 €
3rd 15,000 €
maybe then it works!:D
1st 250,000 €
2nd 150,000 €
3rd 100,000 €
Evenly disributed money from 4th to 64th place.
Deserves it more than that pesky Halo 3 imho!
whats up in a Nation/Eurocupwar?!